Monday, January 27, 2020
The Shareholder And Stakeholder Theory Management Essay
The Shareholder And Stakeholder Theory Management Essay Governance helps us do the right thing, the right way for our shareholders and our customers, employees, suppliers, local communities and the environment. Our governance is focused on how to get it right, not only in the board room but also across the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Page 46) Statement 2 Our aim is to build a sustainable business through consistent, profitable growth and to make sure that our customers and wider stakeholders can always trust us to do the right thing. We aximizat that creating shareholder value is the reward for taking acceptable risks. (page 54) Required From a finance perspective the main objective of a firm is to aximiza shareholder wealth. However from the two statements above it appears that in reality companies dont just focus on shareholders. To what extent do you agree that shareholder wealth aximization should be a superior objective over stakeholder interest? Discuss your answer with relevant supporting literature. You may also back up your discussion with relevant real life examples from any where in the world. (40 marks) Answer: The issue whether managers should apply shareholder theory or stakeholder theory is opens for debate. Some theorists believe that maximize shareholder profit is the highest objective of firm. However, there are many articles and academic journals assert that stakeholder theory is the modern management methods. Personally, each position has its own reasons. In the following assignment, I would like to analyze these options and present my view about two theories. Before we argue about two theories, it is helpful to get some definitions of shareholder, stakeholder and to consider what theories say about. The defines shareholder as Individual, group, or organization that holds one or more shares in a firm, and in whose name the share certificate is issued. It is legal for a firm to have only one shareholder. Also it called stockholder. Also follow this website, stakeholder is a person, group, or organization that has direct or indirect stake in an organization because it can affect or be affected by the organizations actions, objectives, and policies. Key stakeholders in a business organization include creditors, customers, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources. Mentioned about the Shareholder Theory, Milton Friedman who got the Nobel winning economist asserts that managers should only focus to maximize the firms shareholders value. He stated, There is one and only one social responsibility of business to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ engages in open and free competition, without deception or fraud(Friedman, 1962). Nearly, according to H. Jeff Smith (2003), shareholder theory indicates that shareholder advances capital to a companys managers, who are supposed to spend corporate funds only in ways that have been authorized by the shareholders. According to the Stakeholder Theory, the focus of theory is connecting in two core questions (Freeman, 1994). First, it mentioned about the purpose of the firm, the vital purpose of the company is to serve and coordinate the interests of not only shareholders but also its various stakeholders. Second, stakeholder theory asks, what responsibility does management have to stakeholder? The managers are represented of all stakeholders and have two responsibilities: to protect the ethical rights of stakeholders and to consider the legitimate interests of the stakeholders as they make decisions. They have to balance between the maximization of profit and the long-term ability of the corporation growth. The fundamental difference is that the stakeholder theory requires that the stakeholders interests be balanced even it reduces firm profitability. There are always many arguments around two theories about social responsibility, and one of the most important causes is that both of theories are misunderstood in several ways. From the shareholder theory, some people hold the opinion that managers try to do anything you can to make a profit, even though the shareholder theory compels managers to increase profit only through legal, non-decretive means (Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom). Also, the shareholder theory is criticized because of gearing toward to maximize the short-term profit at the expense of the long operate. However, the shareholder theorists often refer to the corporations management look at the shareholders interest to take a long-term orientation. Besides that, they also claimed that the shareholder theory prevent using corporate funds to donate some project or invest in improved employee environment. In fact, the shareholder theory supports the employee efforts such as those initiatives because it increases indire ctly the shareholders wealth. Similarly, the first misunderstanding of stakeholder theory is that it is claimed the theory does not demand that a firm focus on profitability. However, the highest objective of stakeholder theory is balancing the interests of all stakeholders, including shareholders, whose interests are usually addressed by profit. Second, there are many stakeholder theory description provide no formula for examine the stakeholders interests; some of the theories provide no guidance in this regard. Agree with stakeholder theory, in 2003, Waxenberger and Spence illustrated that stakeholder theory has become an important tool help to translate the business ethics to management practice and strategy. Similarly, there is an increasing interrelation between the corporate responsibility and business ethics (Valor, 2005; Garriga and Melà ©, 2004). The stakeholder theory has become the grille de lecture as analyzing the companys responsibility (Attarca Jacquot, 2005). In 1976, Michael Jensen and William Meckling explored the principal-agent definition, disputing that managers often fail to maximize profits if shareholders did not invest their time and money to create appropriate encouragement. By contrast, Colin Grant indicates that managers should concentrate obsessively on profitability, and that the ethics should be marginalized (1991). In 2003, McAleer also assert that firms responsibility is only to maximize for shareholders wealth. Silver (2005) seek and offer the promotion and protection of autonomy like an improvement in Friedman framework because Silver said that a manager with his moral obligations would be a bureaucratic machine that automatically decides to make as much money as it can without lying or breaking the law. Sundaram and Inkpen on The corporate objective Revisited (2004) said Governing the corporation requires purposeful activity. All purposeful activity, in turn, requires goals and in the modern company, maximizing shareholders value is the only appropriate goal for managers. The stakeholder theorists have strong interpretations when they mention about shareholders responsibility in some scandals at Enron, ImClone, Global Crossing, Tyco International and WorldCom. It concerns about the business ethics between the independence of accountants who take responsibility for auditing financial statements, and the investor recommendation at Credit Suisse First Boston and Merrill Lynch. Besides the social responsibility, they often argue about the maximizing shareholder profit that is not the long term purpose of corporation. For instant, the fall horse of Stan ONeal, the ex-CEO of Merrill Lynch, often mentions like an expensive lesson in business management. His autocratic management had brought the impressive profits to Merrill Lynch from 2003 to 2007. He optimized profit through minimize the cost by dismissing the employees and closing many inefficient branches. His altitude and autocratic management make the dissatisfaction of employees and cause for the later failure. These scandals not only reveal serious weakness of shareholder theory but also stakeholder theory about the social responsibilities of business because of lacking prohibitions against fraud and deception. According to Thomas L. Carson (2003), there are four important points. Firstly, recent scandals highlight the stakeholder theory is very naÃÆ' ¯ve and unrealistic hopes and expectations for managers. Secondly, recent events do not constitute an objection to the shareholder theory about the firms social responsibilities. Nevertheless, these scandals make evident the implausibility of strong versions of the invisible hand theory. Next, schemes of payment and reward often create perverse incentives for individual to engage in unethical conduct. Finally, both two theories need to add a constraint that prohibits managers from pressuring, enticing, or permitting professionals. In my opinion, I agree with shareholder theory. Firstly, there are some misunderstood that I interpretation above, the managers do not do everything to maximize profit. Comeback to some main business objectives that are achieving a target market share, keeping employee agitation to a minimum, survival, creating an ever-expanding empire, maximization of profit and maximization of long-term shareholder wealth (Glend Arnord, Corporate financial management, fourth edition). Connecting with shareholder theory, the highest objective of firm should not understand maximization of profit, we need to approach with the widen definition the maximization of the shareholder wealth. This definition reflects three key variables directly affect shareholders wealth: timing of cash flows, magnitude of cash flows and the risk of the cash flows that investors expect a firm to generate overtime. Secondly, the shareholder who gives capital or equity for invests or remains the development of corporation. They also obtain many operating risks and financial risks, and if the company is bankrupted, shareholder would be the last person get the return. Therefore, the main firms objective must be maximization of shareholders value in order to compensate for their risks. The next reason is optimization the stockholders value is the same meaning that the corporation has to optimize the productive process, supply chain, delivery and personnel. These actions help corporate structure become effectively and orderly. It differ from do anything you can to make a profit, and in some situations, managers should balance the shareholder wealth maximization with stakeholder interest. A firm cannot maximize value, Jensen (2000) writes, if it ignores the interests of its stakeholders. According to Michael Poster father of competitive theory, the fundamental firms objective is getting the higher ROIC Return On Invested Capital; rest of all is the secondary objective. In conclusion, shareholder wealth maximization is a superior objective over stake holder interests. However, in order to keeping the long-term stable growth, the managers not only focus to maximize the shareholders value, but also balance with stakeholders interests.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Rap Music
Daniel Cha English T/TR 7am 27 Febuarany 2013 Essay 1 Rap's Opposing views When it comes to defining rap music, some define it as poetry in the form of music. Even though rap music is thought of as a form of art, it is highly debated as a controversial social issue. Author  Sid Kirchheimer from †Does rap put teens at risk†makes a claim that rap music is a detriment to our youth. He believes that negative behaviors is the outcome of people watching and listening to rap music. Author Curtis Aron from â€Å"Rap Music: Is It As Bad As Some People Think? Thinks otherwise and claims that rap music is looked at as a whole and is greatly misunderstood. Aron explains that the genre of rap music is blanketed by its popular view of being a negative influence and is being greatly misunderstood. Using the Toulmin model of argument, both arguments offer very good reasons why their arguments provide persuasive evidence about the different perspectives of rap music. Kirchheimer's w arrant is, that initially rap music automatically leaves a bad tastes in peoples mouth. Kirchheimer's view on rap is that because teens watch so much television they are exposed to what he calls â€Å"reel life of a gangsta. By watching these rap videos, they are more likely to practice the behaviors they see off their favorite rap artists or rap music video. He claims that because of long hours of exposure to rap music teenagers are starting to behave like what they see on television. His grounds offer truths because his claim of watching rap videos is backed with statistically data. He says, â€Å"Researchers found that compared to those who never or rarely watched these videos, the girls who viewed these gangsta videos for at least 14 hours per week were far more likely to practice numerous destructive behaviors.Over the course of the one-year study, they were three times more likely to hit a teacher, over 2. 5 times more likely to get arrested, twice as likely to have multiple sexual partners and 1. 5 times more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease, use drugs, or drink alcohol. â€Å"Rap initially does leave a bad taste in people mouths, the quote provides statistical evidence that supports why people should and would despise it. Aron, with his own warrant states, that genre of rap music is blanketed by its popular view of being a negative influence.Aron says that â€Å"Rap music has long had a reputation of being a form of music that represents violence, sexual exploitation and excess. The genre has been criticized in the media, associated with some of the nation's social ill and seen by a good number of people as bad on citizens in general. †He first goes against his own viewpoints to prove that he understands the issue. He provides a counterargument to prove he is a reliable source about how rap can be seen as a social ill. Aron's use of the Toulmin argument continues as he offers his rebuttal and backing by saying, not all rap mus ic is bad music.Aron states, â€Å"There is some rap music that is created with the intention of sending a positive message to its audience. There are songs that denounce violence and call for more peace and togetherness in the inner city in an attempt to improve the quality of life. †Some truth that the author stresses is how there is positive rap and it can serve as a purpose of improving social consciousness. An example rap group he uses to provide evidence to his backing is a group named â€Å"The East Coast AllStars. †He supports this group because it adds qualification that not all rap music is bad music.But most importantly because the group understands that music is highly influential, so they really push and write songs that gives positive influence to these communities that are being run by violence, sex, and drug exploitations. Kirchheimer also reveals that he understands both sides of the subject by stating a counterargument of his own. He says that, â₠¬Å"Parents need to know what their children are being exposed to. Certainly, rap is not the only music that portrays negative stereotypes or can negatively impact behaviors, and not all rap music should be implicated.But there have been nearly 1,000 studies that have looked at the effects. †Kirchheimer shows a weak side by admitting that not all rap music should be implicated. He is rationale and does admit that all rap music is not the case. How he collects himself is by telling readers to be aware that the studies about the effects are true. He also uses emotional evidence by explaining that parents especially should be aware of what their children are watching and listening too. Aron's reaction to Kirchheimer response is that he recognizes that people are so influenced by rap music.People especially children see these rappers and replicate their behaviors. Curtis Aron spills one huge secret that most of the things rappers and artist say they do are bias. Aron writes, †Å"Many times, the rap artist is creating a fictionalized account of certain events for the purpose of intriguing and entertaining people and sometimes uses characters to facilitate those accounts†¦ This is no different from other forms of entertainment, in particular, the movie industry. When our favorite actor portrays a gun toting, drug using, highly sexual character in a movie, it is not seen as degenerate. He gives a broader and new perspective on how people should view these fictional characters. Rappers are much like fictional characters from movies. He explains that the things they do such as gun toting, drug using, and sexual innuendos are all for the purpose of intriguing and entertaining people. In the highly debated argument of rap music being a controversial issue, both Kirchheimer and Aron are identifying themselves as a scholarly source about the subject of rap music. Both understand and access reliable information to be used as a notable source.Through the Toulmi n model argument, both Sid Kirchheimer and Curtis Aron provide great strengths and explore the topic of rap to educate readers about their views. Kirchheimer states, that initially rap music automatically leaves a bad tastes in peoples mouth and provides good warrants and evidence to back his view. However, Aron proves that his argument is stronger as he educates that the readers that his warrant, the genre of rap music is blanketed by its popular view of being a negative influence. He gives evidence of both for and against the issue and expands over Kirchheimer's argument.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Career Management And Professional Development Education Essay
Upon taking my university class I literally had no thought as to what I wanted to make. I knew I wanted to work in the Finance industry but that was about it. By taking Accountancy and Financial Management it meant that I could get down to larn all the accomplishments required for work in the Finance industry while non specializing myself so much that I would be limited by occupation chances at Graduation. While my chief fortes may still lie in either fiscal or direction accounting, Appendix 1[ 1 ]shows the many other possible paths that I could take. Many of the companies that fall under these classs will be based in London particularly those affecting investing markets, nevertheless there are plentifulness of possibilities to work non merely across the U.K but besides the remainder of the universe. Equally good as looking at Graduate occupations, one other measure frontward is to go a hired comptroller. Again from looking at Appendix 1 within the UK there are seven cardinal hired bureaus. However fall ining one of these will hold to happen after I have started my calling in order to cognize which one to fall in. For illustration if I wanted a calling in revenue enhancement I would take the CIOT over CIMA. After sourcing the occupations that my making leads me to make, it ‘s now a simple instance of combating the 300,000 other alumnuss each twelvemonth for precisely the same occupation. One manner to give me a contending opportunity at the occupation is by acquiring noticed and as a consequence I will necessitate to convey a whole scope of accomplishments and competences to the tabular array to demo why I should acquire the occupation. Like most people I am able to offer accomplishments such as Communication & A ; Literacy be it written, ocular or unwritten, an application of numeracy due to the fact that I am an comptroller and as a consequence have to utilize Numberss on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing, and an application of IT skills due to the fact that in this changing universe the demand to be able to utilize a computing machine is going more and more evident. The accomplishments that I need to pull people ‘s attending to are the 1s that ca n't be rather so good taught and have to be developed through experience in the workplace. These include Self Management such as the ability to demur duty for what I do, to be able to self motivate myself on my undertakings guaranting that they are completed by the needed deadline, and to be ready to accept unfavorable judgment and feedback on the work that I have done so as to better it to its best possible potency. Furthermore I need to be able to speak about teamwork, non merely â€Å" we did a undertaking one time at university in a group †but to be able to demo existent squad participant accomplishments. At a basic degree these would include a regard for fellow co-workers, to accept their determinations but besides offer a degree of negation and persuading, every bit good as doing certain that I contribute to treatments and meetings, but so at a more advanced degree to be able to work out what portion people play in a squad and maximize their accomplishments and traits for illustration devising certain that the thoughts individual negotiations with the encourager and compromiser so as develop the best result from an thought. In add-on to these, I besides need to hold concern and client consciousness of the industry I am in. When traveling to a occupation interview this will include background research into the company, but it will besides necessitate an apprehension of the cardinal constructs that make a concern win including hazard and wages every bit good as invention. This consciousness so has to be compiled with good communicating accomplishments so as to describe back to the terminal users be in internal directors or the external client. The consequences of my in category Myers Briggs appraisal[ 2 ]had me as an Introverted, Sensing, Thinking and Judging single. This suggests that I am a difficult working single with a clear sence of what is right and incorrect. I would be given to hold with this peculiarly as I do non cover excessively good with â€Å" Grey countries †of a state of affairs. The trial besides shows me to be a dedicated person who I believe I am and is something that I have to offer to graduate employers. Although the truth of these trials is something to be argued it does propose that an ideal occupation for me would be something based in finance. The consequence of the trial besides shows that some work in developing the extrovert side of me every bit good as measuring jobs on the footing of thoughts instead than merely facts will assist me to go a more rounded person. Before traveling onto happening the right occupation for me, I besides needed to look at what motivates me, in other words what do I necessitate my ideal occupation to offer in order to acquire me out of bed in the forenoon. The consequences of my Career Drivers Profile study[ 3 ]shows me to be motivated most by the demand of occupation security which with issues shortly to be faced such as acquiring a mortgage I would be inclined to hold with. My other drivers included position and stuff wagess. While I would hold with these to some extent I would state it is more a instance of desiring to be recognised for making a good occupation and besides holding the fiscal wages for inputting my difficult work.So What Is The Right Job For Me?Upon finishing my arrangement, one thing that is a certainty is that I do n't desire to go an history, despite this nevertheless a calling in finance in peculiar respects to the money markets is one that I feel suited to. My grounds for this are drawn from a personal involvement in Stocks & A ; Shares every bit good as executing good in the related faculties at university. After traveling to legion alumnus carnivals I have started using for Investment Banking and Asset Management occupations, due to the nature of the occupation nevertheless, most of these are based in London. As a consequence should I be successful in an application it would intend re-locating down to London and get downing an wholly new portion of my life, one which I would be excited to make, but besides a small apprehensive at the same clip. In footings of what I can offer my perspective employer, I am traveling to hold to travel beyond what everyone else can offer due to the fact I am taking about a sidestep in my pick of calling versus those who have graduated with a banking and finance grade. Hopefully my passion and thrust for the investing country of finance should come across and holding personal experience in the purchasing and merchandising of portions and bonds through a agent should at least give me some caputs up on the competition. If I should acquire a face to confront interview at any establishment nevertheless it will be of import for me to see which competences are being assessed during my interview and do certain I have a â€Å" bank †of illustrations that I can pull from and accommodate in order to reply on inquiries affecting teamwork, personal challenges and personal victory to call but a few. It will besides be of import to make some research into the company and attempt and bead that into my replies in order to demo that I have taken the clip to larn about the company.Got to Get Myself Connected!Arguably one of the most of import regulations in concern is that it ‘s non what you know but who you know. Unfortunately upon graduation I am traveling to be one of the many who knows a batch about my specific topics but with small practical experience and really few contacts within the industry. As a consequence something has to be done now in order to seek and derive as large an advantage as possible. In my first twelvemonth I signed up as a pupil member of CIMA, during the past few old ages at that place have been many chances to travel to societal events and web with people yet I have non bothered traveling to them. This twelvemonth may be a good thought to travel and web and at least acquire myself on the radio detection and ranging. The 2nd thing I have done is to put up a LinkedIn history. While many people argue they are of small usage I believe they may be a uti le tool for maintaining path of the legion people I will run into in the hereafter and it besides shows position employers the few people in the industry that I presently know. Fortunately as a consequence of my placement twelvemonth I now have contacts crossing from Cornwall right up to Glasgow. Dependent upon if and what professional organic structure I decide to fall in, they may besides be a great beginning of contacts. Equally good as the pupil chances listed above, by being an existent member of the professional organic structures I will be able to web with those presently practising in the industry instead than merely guest talkers and these people in bend may be able to set me in touch with other contacts to foster aid help my calling. Further to this, I believe that the University may be able to assist with my networking through the Alumni service. This will assist me maintain in contact with both my class mates from this twelvemonth, my friends who did n't travel on work arrangement who have now graduated, every bit good as many other utile contacts who are presently working in, or holding the same issues as me seeking to interrupt into the investing profession. One other set of contacts that may turn out to be really utile is the enlisting bureaus, peculiarly those who specialise in Finance such as Hayes or Sewell Moorhouse who last twelvemonth managed to acquire 100 % of all university arrangement pupils who came to them into employment. Equally good as assisting me to acquire a occupation if my alumnus applications are unsuccessful they will be able to supply arrows on my CV and covering letters, but more significantly they will be a contact for life. For illustration if 10 old ages down the line I want a wholly different alteration of calling so these people will be here to rede where to travel.Making the Jump – Career Management PlanMany of my marks here will be based around my action programs as a consequence of my work placement study.[ 4 ]However my calling way as a consequence of the placement twelvemonth leads me off from the thought of going an comptroller. My first mark was to go on developing my fiscal accomplishments. At the clip of my study this would hold been my accounting accomplishments nevertheless upon contemplation and make up one's minding that I no longer desire to be an accountant these accomplishments must be transferred over to other fiscal countries such as the investing country of finance I am interested it. Fortunately my university class gives me the flexibleness to make this as the concluding twelvemonth incorporates both accounting faculties but besides faculties covered by the Banking and Finance pupils which are straight related to the calling way that I now want. Despite the addition in work burden and the sheer trouble of some of the capable affair, I am still hopeful that I will be able to walk off with a 2:1 grade at graduation. My secondary mark was to go on the development of both my personal and professional accomplishments. Unfortunately due to no longer being on arrangement I am non in a place to be developing these accomplishments through a work based environment. However due to the sum of alumnus applications that I am finishing I believe that they at least give me the chance to develop my communicating accomplishments through the completion of online applications, covering letters and telephone interviews. Hopefully I will be able to pattern face to confront communicating accomplishments via interviews if I am lucky plenty to be shortlisted for any of these applications. My concluding mark was to develop a calling program for after university. It was apparent at the clip that Accounting may non hold been the ideal occupation for me hence the alumnus application made to HMRC, unluckily that application was rejected after the on-line numerical and verbal trials. Since so nevertheless I have applied for legion other vacancies all focused around the investing banking country of finance with large companies such as Fidelity but so besides looking at investing reding services such as Oliver Wyman. It was my idea that while I am now certain which country of finance I want to work in, I should n't be binding myself down with one specialized occupation country. The other idea I had in assisting to develop my calling was to transport on at university in the signifier of station alumnus survey. However I shortly ruled this option out due to the cost but besides that I believe now is the clip to acquire into industry and to get down determining my calling. Further to this by non transporting on in graduate student survey I still have the option to finish all of my professional makings through whichever company I work for and so subsequently on down the line if I think that I would wish to travel back into instruction, the graduate student option is ever available for me.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
German Herbs and Spices Glossary
When you are cooking or dining in a German-speaking country, you will want to know the words for herbs, spices, and seasonings. Explore these two lists. First, a German-English list and then an English-German list. German-English Herbs and Spices Glossary Key:Noun gender: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), or s (das, neu.) Ar Anis anise Bs Basilikum basilr Beifuß mugwortr Bockshornklee fenugreeks Bohnenkraut savory n.r Boretsch boragee Brunnenkresse watercresss Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut purslane Cr Cardamom/Kardamom cardamom, cardamonCayenne-Pfeffer cayenne pepperr Coriander cilantro (coriander)r Cumin cumine Curcuma/Kurkuma turmericr/s Curry curry Dr Dill dill Ee Edelraute ruer Estragon tarragon Fr Fenchel fennelr Fencheltee fennel tea Ge Gartenkresse nasturtiume Gelbwurz turmerice Gewà ¼rznelke (-n) clove(s) Hr Holunder eldere Holunderbeere elderberryHopfen (pl) hops Ir Ingwer ginger Ke Kamille camomile, chamomileKapern (pl) capersr Kapuziner nasturtiume Kapuzinerkresse nasturtiumr Kerbel chervilr Knoblauch garlicr Koriander cilantro, corianders Kraut herb Krà ¤uter (pl) herbse Krà ¤uterbutter herb butterr Krà ¤uterlikà ¶r herbal liqueurr Krà ¤utertee herb(al) teae Kresse cressr Kreuzkà ¼mmel cuminr Kà ¼mmel caraway (seed)r Kà ¼rbissamen pumpkin seede Kurkuma turmeric Lr Lauch (-e) leek(s), alliumr/s Liebstà ¶ckel lovages Là ¶ffelkraut common scurvygrasss Lorbeerblatt bay leafLorbeerblà ¤tter (pl) bay leaves Mr Majoran majoram, majoran, marjoramr Majoran sweet majoram, knotted majoramr Meerrettich horseradishe Minze mintr Mohn poppy (seed)e Muskatnuss nutmeg Ne Nelke (-n) clove(s)r Nelkenpfeffer allspice (berries of the pimento tree) Or Oregano oregano Pr Paprika paprikae Paprikaschote pimentoe Peperoni chili pepper, peperoni (spice)e Petersilie parsleyr Pfeffer peppers Pfefferkorn (-kà ¶rner) peppercorn(s)e Pfefferminze peppermintr Piment allspice (berries of the pimento tree)r Porree (-s) leek(s), alliumr Portulak, s Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut purslaner Puderzucker powdered sugar Rr Rosmarin rosemary Sr Safran saffronr/e Salbei sagee Schale peel (orange, lemon)r/e Schickoree chicoryr Schnittlauch chivesr Selleriesamen (-) celery seed(s)r Senf mustardSenfkà ¶rner (pl) mustard seedr Sesam sesames Steinkraut stonecrop Tr Thymian thymee Tripmadam, s Steinkraut stonecrop Ve Vanillestange vanilla podr Vanillezucker vanilla-flavored sugar We Wacholderbeere juniper berryWacholderbeeren (pl) juniper berriesr Waldmeister woodruffe Wegwarte chicorye Weinraute ruer Wermut (seasoning) wormwoodr Wermut (herbal liqueur) vermouths Wurstkraut, r Majoran sweet majoram, knotted majoramwà ¼rzen v. to season, add seasoning/spices Yr Ysop hyssop Ze Zichorie (in coffee) chicoryr Zimt cinnamone Zitronenmelisse lemon balme Zitronenschale (-n) lemon peel(s)r Zwiebel onion  English-German Herbs and Spices Glossary Key:Noun gender: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), or s (das, neu.) Aallspice (berries of pimento tree) r Nelkenpfeffer, r Pimentanise r Anis Bbasil s Basilikumbay leaf s Lorbeerblattbay leaves Lorbeerblà ¤tter (pl)borage r Boretsch Ccamomile, chamomile e Kamillecapers Kapern (pl)caraway (seed) r Kà ¼mmelcardamom, cardamon Kardamom, Cardamomcayenne pepper Cayenne-Pfeffercelery seed(s) r Selleriesamen (-)chervil r Kerbelchicory e Wegwarte, r/e Schickoree, e Zichorie (in coffee)chili pepper e Peperonichives r Schnittlauchcilantro (coriander) r Koriandercinnamon r Zimtclove(s) e Nelke (-n), e Gewà ¼rznelke (-n)common scurvygrass s Là ¶ffelkrautcoriander r Coriander/Koriandercress e Kresse/Brunnenkressecumin r Cumin, r Kreuzkà ¼mmelcurry r/s Curry Ddill r Dill Eelder r Holunderelderberry e Holunderbeere Ffennel r Fenchelfennel tea r Fenchelteefenugreek r Bockshornklee Ggarlic r Knoblauchginger r Ingwer Hhops Hopfen (pl)horseradish r Meerrettichhyssop r Ysop Jjuniper berry e Wacholderbeerejuniper berries Wacholderbeeren (pl) Lleek(s), allium r Lauch (-e), r Porree (-s)lemon balm e Zitronenmelisselemon peel(s) e Zitronenschale (-n)lovage r/s Liebstà ¶ckel Mmajoram, majoran, marjoram r Majoranmint e Minzemugwort r Beifußmustard r Senfmustard seed Senfkà ¶rner (pl) Nnasturtium e Gartenkresse, r Kapuziner, e Kapuzinerkressenutmeg e Muskatnuss Oonion r Zwiebeloregano r Oregano Ppaprika r Paprikaparsley e Petersiliepeel (orange, lemon) e Schalepeperoni, chili pepper e Peperonipeperoni, chili pepper r Paprika (Switz.)pepper r Pfefferpeppercorn s Pfefferkorn (-kà ¶rner)peppermint e Pfefferminzepimento e Paprikaschotepoppy (seed) r Mohnpowdered sugar r Puderzuckerpumpkin seed r Kà ¼rbissamenpurslane r Portulak, s Bà ¼rzelkraut/Purzelkraut Rrosemary r Rosmarinrue e Weinraute, e Edelraute Ssaffron r Safransage r/e Salbeisavory n. s Bohnenkrautseason, add seasoning/spices v. wà ¼rzensesame seeds Sesamkà ¶rner (pl), r Sesamstonecrop e Tripmadam, s Steinkrautsweet majoram, knotted majoram s Wurstkraut, r Majoran Ttarragon r Estragonthyme r Thymianturmeric e Curcuma/Kurkuma, e Gelbwurz Vvanilla-flavored sugar r Vanillezuckervanilla pod e Vanillestangevermouth r Wermut (herbal liqueur) Wwatercress e Brunnenkressewoodruff r Waldmeisterwormwood r Wermut (seasoning)
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