Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Overcome College Student Homesickness
How to Overcome College Student Homesickness Being homesick in college is more common than most students want to admit. With these 5 tips, however, dealing with it can be a little easier. Call home. This may sound like common sense, but it can really help. The key factor, however, is not to call home all of the time. Dont call more than once a day, and keep the conversation positive. But if you miss your friends, family, boyfriend, or girlfriend, giving them a call can sometimes help ease the heartache. Go visit home once. Visiting home can be a great way to recharge yourself and get some of that TLC (not to mention home cooking) that you need. But going home too often can frequently make homesickness worse. Let yourself go home when you need it, but make sure it doesnt turn into an every-weekend occurrence. Go out with your college friends. Sometimes, a night out with your college friends can do wonders for homesickness. It can take your mind off of things back home, can help you relax and have a good time, and can reinforce relationships that will make your school feel like home sometime soon. Call a friend from back home. Chances are that your group of friends sp read out as each of you went to different colleges. And chances are that your group of friends is missing each other. Give a friend from home a call and catch up for a little while. It may do wonders for your homesickness to just touch base for a quick phone call. Get out of your room. Its incredibly easy to hide in your room in college. But doing so prevents you from meeting new people, trying new things, and experiencing college life in general. You didnt go to school to hide in your room, right? Make sure to spend large chunks of your time out of your room even if its just at a campus coffee shop, the quad, or the library and get your mind on other things. You never know what might happen, but you do know that it wont happen if youre alone in your room all the time.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Connection Between Gun Control Legislation and Gun Crime
The Connection Between Gun Control Legislation and Gun Crime In the aftermath of the June 2016 mass shooting in Orlando, a debate has again turned to whether gun control legislation actually works to reduce gun-related violence. Over the years studies have produced mixed results, which fuels the debate, providing science-based arguments on both sides. However, researchers at Columbia Universitys Mailman School of Public Health have now settled the debate by conducting a massive international review of studies published all the way back to 1950. They found that gun control laws are in fact associated with lower rates of gun-related violence in most countries. About the Study The study, titled What Do We Know About the Association Between Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Injuries? was published in Epidemiologic Reviews in February 2016. Lead by Dr. Julian Santaella-Tenorio, a team of researchers examined the findings from 130 studies from 10 countries published between 1950 and 2014. The studies reviewed were all conducted to examine the connection between gun laws and gun-related homicides, suicides, and unintentional injuries and deaths. The laws in question covered a range of issues related to citizen access to guns. They included laws that govern the use of guns, like the right to carry and stand your ground laws; the sale of guns, including background checks and waiting periods; ownership restrictions, like bans on purchasing for persons with a felony record or documented mental condition; storage-related laws designed to prevent child access in the home; and laws that regulate access to certain guns like automatic and semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines. The studies reviewed included numerous other laws within these categories, ​which are listed in full in the report. The Convincing and Consistent Evidence While the researchers did find some conflicting findings within their review, they found enough convincing and consistent evidence across various locations to conclude that laws that restrict access to and govern the use of guns are associated with reductions in gun-related deaths, lower rates of intimate partner homicide, and reductions in unintentional gun-related deaths of children. The researchers, however, emphasize that their findings from the review of these 130 studies do not prove causality between gun control legislation and reduced rates of gun violence. Rather, the findings point to an association or correlation between the two variables. Santaella-Tenorio summed this up for Columbia Universitys online news outlet, saying, In most countries, we saw evidence of the reduction in the firearm death rates after the enactment of firearm legislation.†A Look at Other Nations Honing in on specifics, the study found laws that target multiple aspects of gun control reduced gun-related deaths in some countries. They highlight the well-known clear evidence from Australia that followed the passage of the countrys 1996 National Firearm Agreement. Studies that have examined rates of gun violence following the passage of this legislative package found that it led to a decline in gun-related deaths, gun-related suicides, and mass shootings. The researchers point out that similar studies found similar results in other nations. Studies of Targeted Laws Focusing on studies of more targeted laws, the researchers found that in some cases, restrictions on purchasing, access, and use of guns are associated with reduced gun-related deaths. Studies from the U.S. show that when background checks include restraining orders, fewer women are killed by current or former romantic partners through the use of guns. Further, some studies from the U.S. show that laws that require background checks to include local mental health facility records are associated with fewer gun-related suicides. Studies of Legislation in Place The review also found that studies that focused on legislation that relaxes gun laws, like stand your ground and right to carry laws, and the repeal of existing laws leads to an increase in gun-related homicides. So, contrary to the belief of the NRA and many others in the U.S., the right to carry laws do not reduce gun violence. Theres never been more compelling evidence that legislative control of our access to and use of guns is a benefit to society.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discuss Augustines understanding of the relation between human loves Essay
Discuss Augustines understanding of the relation between human loves and the love of God, with particular focus on his experience of the death of his friend (described in Book IV of the Confessions) - Essay Example He emphasized loving the earthling and the immortal was same. God resided in the very heart of humans which stirred love. â€Å"Self love and love of others coincide with love of God when inserted into the ordered hierarchy of loves†(Cavadini and Fitzgerald, 29) Augustine opposed self love and termed it as evil, which misguides humans taking them in the opposite direction of the eternal power. For him human existence was a struggle where one copes with sin and salvation. The triumph over salvation could be achieved only through divine grace. For Augustine the concept of proper love was always directed to God as he believed that the very thought of love was incited by God himself. â€Å"All we can do is to love God, who is love, for God’s sake.†(Boeve, Schrijvers, Stoker and Vroom, 279) Loving fellow human beings in the right spirit was equal to loving God with full dedication of soul, heart and mind. Augustine implied the desire to find one’s inner self was synonym to the desire of attaining proximity with the Almighty. Yearning to love one’s fellow being was equal to the desire to love God. Augustine’s theory of love was inspired by Neo-Platonist tradition which encouraged the thought that love was a creation of God in which human participation was very essential for the welfare of humanity. God was the ultimate finishing point and love provided the path to reach that goal. â€Å"The ultimate vocation of the Christian then is grow in his or her relationship to God. The self must learn how to abandon itself for the sake of participating more and more in God’s love.†(Boeve, Schrijvers, Stoker and Vroom, 279) This understanding of love is called kenotic view. Augustine perceived love as the rescue boat which transports the fallen human beings to God’s grace. The underline of this thought was the relation shared between a human and God was a central relation,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reducing Teen Pregnancy in Colleyville Case Study
Reducing Teen Pregnancy in Colleyville - Case Study Example Teenage pregnancy is the conception and followed development of the fetus by a girl whose age is between 13 and 19 years. Consideration of the age allowable for a girl to get pregnant varies with places and cultures in the world but the rate of pregnancy by under age girls is increasing due to other factors such as early exposure to sexual activities , poverty, and the declining of menarche factor. Unlike undeveloped countries where teenage pregnancy is normal in many ethnicity groups developed countries attribute this problem mainly to low or say poor life outcomes and low levels of education. Teenage pregnancies in developed countries are highly reported in the United Kingdom and the United States while they are very minimal in Korea and Japan. Teenage pregnancy in developing countries like Jamaica are mostly as a result of high rates of poverty and low levels of education in additional to ethnical cultural factors in countries such as in Africa. (UNICEF 2001) Teenage pregnancy in most cases becomes detrimental to the health of the mother and the child since in most times it is unplanned and the mother is not well developed to carry a pregnancy. On the other hand it affects the social welfare of the mother since in most a case it is when she is continuing with her education and it is usually associated with stigma in the society. (Dryburgh (2002). Aim of the report To design a program and outline its procedures that will ensure reduction of teenage pregnancy in Coleyville Jamaica Objectives To clearly study and evaluate the situation of teenage pregnancy on Coleyville To analye the cause effects of teenage pregnancy in Coleyvile To outlie a program of reducing teenage pregnancy in Coleyville usiung logic model in the program design. Teenage Pregnancy in Coleyville Jamaica Jamaica is an island in North America where the town of Coleyville is situated. Here in Coleyville teenage pregnancy is alarmingly high due to various factors such as ignorance, high rates of poverty among its citizens, cultural misinformation and negligence among male partners. This community is one of many examples that are in similar situation around the globe. Reasons for startling teenage pregnancy in Jamaica There are various reasons why in Jamaica there is always high rate of teenage pregnancy compared to many other places in the world. There is very little knowledge on contraceptives among Jamaican Girls. There are high incidences of unprotected sex among the members of he community of Coleyville. The belief by the women on acquisition of social status and identity in marriage make many girls get married at very tender ages rendering them pregnant at teen age (Aqarwal2008). Benefits of logic model as a method in use in the program. Logic model is a structural procedure of giving a working program descriptively in an organization. It outlines the resources, programs, and output of the programs and the outcomes of the programs (Mayeske 2002). Logic model is analytical and expressive in terms of the procedures used in the program It enables the programmer to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
American dream Essay Example for Free
American dream Essay Exploration of the theme of the American Dream In a country where liberty, freedom and the land of opportunity is a pivotal part of American society the American dream is born. The American dream is fundamentally the notation that no matter your race, religion, sex or social class if you work hard in America you will achieve materialistic wealth. Steinbecks novel, Of Mice and Men sets in the 1930s, the time of the great depression and depicts the flaws of the American Dream. Some of the themes in the novel include friendship, death, jealousy and loneliness. The exploration of this essay shall consist of me focussing on the theme of the American Dream by exploring the characters, George and Lennie, Candy and Crooks. Steinbeck also conveys the theme of the American Dream through the character of Candy- as the name implies Candy is a sweet character, the quote, yeah, nice fella too demonstrates this as Candy is talking fairly about Crooks who is black and looked down upon in society of that time. Candy is an old character, the old man put the yellow can in his pocket and this is illustrated by Steinbeck as one of the flaws of the American Dream which stops them achieve the A. D. and because everyone shall someday become old Steinbeck is implying that sometimes the American Dream is never achievable. Candy owns a dog which he has known for most of his life, Thats a hell of an old dog; Yeah I had im since he was a pup This dog of his is a very close possession and friend and it is implied that Candy has realised that he shall never achieve his American Dream but his dog is the closest he shall get to it so it is a part of his American Dream. However Candys dog was shot by Carlson due to it being old and smelly, I dont know anything that stinks so bad as an old dog hes got no teeth whynt you shoot him Candy? The death of Candys dog symbolises the death of Candys Amercian Dream, however in more depth, the death of his dog illustrates that anyone (animal or human) who is old or smells or has no teeth (basically out of the norm) is not accepted into society and shall not be accepted and death could be a possible out come. Although Candy;s dog had no use to the people around and society, to Candy he meant a lot and the death of his meant a death of part of candy himself. Similarly, Lennie like the dog was not accepted in society due to the deed he had committed and due to his disability however, he meant something to George and they too like Candy an his dog were loyal friends but it was because of society that cause the death of both the dog and Lennie which cause the death of their American Dream. Through the character of Curley, Steinbeck shows the Amercian Dream in a different light. He illustrates that the American Dream is achievable through Curley as he has his own ranch, the trophy wife, the money and power. However, Steinbeck is also showing that only a few people achieve the American Dream as only one of the Characters achieves the American Dream out of 6. Although Curley has achieved the American Dream, Steinbeck clearly shows through the nature of Curley that those who are able and do achieve the American Dream are not always nice people, in fact from Curleys character, the audience feels that they are in fact horrible people. The way in which Curley treats other people makes him perceived as a very horrible person. The way in which Curleys wife describes him, I don like Curley. He aint a nice fella shows how little liked he is. Also, the way in which Curleys wife is used as a possession of his shows the greed of power that Curley has. Also the way that Curley is perceived by George shows already within only a day of knowing Curley he is not liked as George refers to Curley as a son of a bitch vAlso, the way in which Curley treats Lennie is appalling, What the hell you laughin at? Lennie looked blankly at him. Huh? Then Curleys rage exploded. Come on, ya big bastard. Get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me. Ill show ya whos yella. This shows the arrogance of Curley. The theme of the American Dream is finely woven through the entire novel and without a doubt this has been done very effectively . Steinbeck clearly conveys his message about the American Dream in much detail and has done in a very meaning full way.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
is social science scientific Essay -- essays research papers
Is Social Science Scientific? Sociology is undoubtedly a logical science; it has the characteristics that other sciences have, its own theories that can be proved, as well as having systematic theories and laws. John Maynard Keynes refuted the many statements made by Auguste Comte and Friedrich Engels, simply he described social sciences as â€Å"illogical†and â€Å"dull.†Thus, without providing any sufficient evidence, he had not proven that, in fact, sociology is not scientific. Auguste Comte regularly compared sociology to other familiar forms of science, like biology, physics, and chemistry. In doing so, he made the assumption that others believed sociology to be scientific. Comte, unintentionally, provided adequate evidence as to why sociology is scientific, while at the same time simply describing sociology as a whole. Much like Comte, Friedrich Engels also found social sciences to be scientific, Engels was able to apply Comte’s beliefs and the basis of sociology to practical situatio ns and groups of people. His strong belief in the science of sociology helped him form the basic idea that knowledge is what makes a person free; thus, ignorance is what restricts people. John Maynard Keynes is considered the challenger of Friedrich Engels, because he often disputed Engels’ work, especially his work on social sciences. Keynes found socialism to be a utopianism ideal, which caused people to be easily influenced without really being aware of all the facts. He didn’t believe that the...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Culture in Kuwait Essay
The State of Kuwait is a sovereign of the United Arab Emirates and considered as one of the Gulf countries. The name ‘Kuwait’ came from the Arabic â€Å"akwat†, the plural of â€Å"kout†, which denotes ‘fortress built near water’. The emirate has the population of 3. 4 million situated in its 20,000 square kilometers geographical area. During the 19th century, Kuwait came under the power of the Ottoman Empire and after the World War I, it became known as an autonomous sheikhdom under the defense of the British Empire. It was in the late 1930s that Kuwait’s large oil fields were discovered. Kuwait has a parliamentary system of government, under a constitutional monarchy with Kuwait City as the center of all political and economic activities. The country is the world’s fifth producer oil reserves and petroleum and petroleum products which account for its almost 95% export revenues, and 80% of government income. Based in per capita Kuwait is the eleventh richest country in the world. In addition, it has the highest human development index (HDI) in the Arab world. World Bank classified Kuwait as a high income economy. It is also designated as a major non-NATO ally of the United States, because of its close recent political and financial ties and affinities with the latter. Majority of the Kuwait’s population are Muslim and practices Islam as their religion, though it has a huge community of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs. Islam means peace, love, and complete submission and obedience to God. Being a Muslin means accepting Islam and living a life in accordance to its teachings as well as setting as an example to other Muslims. Instead of the common greetings of â€Å"good morning†or â€Å"hello†, Muslims greet each other by saying â€Å"Assalamo Alaikum†, which stands for â€Å"May peace be upon you and may God blessings be with you†. It is the mission of every Muslim uttering these words to multiply love and peace anywhere one goes. Muslims pray five (5) times a day and normally clean their bodies before praying. In the analysis using Hofstede’s five model dimensions, religion plays a significant role the lives of its people. High power distance and uncertainty avoidance are evident attributes in this nation just like any other Arab countries. Leaders do not mix themselves into the group and usually issue detailed and particular orders. It follows a caste system and does not allow major upward mobility of its people. In order to reduce the amount of ambiguity, detailed rules, laws, regulations and controls are implemented. Discrimination in terms of influence and affluence has been consented to flourish within the society and is acknowledged by the population as their cultural legacy. Therefore, leaders can easily enforce their leadership and control which usually resorts to uprising to attain democratic change. Masculinity is on the average, evidenced by limited rights of women in Kuwait society, which again could be credited to the Muslim religion rather than its cultural pattern. Individualism is low, which translates into collectivist culture as noticeable in a close-commitment to the member ‘group’ like the family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty is vital in a collectivist society which overrides all other rules. In Kuwait, visitors are expected to be reserved, though does not pertain to clothing especially for foreigners. Regardless of the climate, most of the body must stay covered. For men, it is a requirement to wear a jacket and tie during business conferences. They should also be dressed in long pants and a shirt favorably long-sleeved and fastened up top the collar. There must be noticeable jewels specifically around the neck. Women must also be conservative especially in public. The necklines must be high, at least to the elbows, while hemlines must be ankle-low or below the knee. Pants are not advisable and scarf must be handy especially when going inside a Mosque. Too much appreciation of an item must be avoided, because the host might become compelled to grant said item. Rejection to accept the gift is impolite and rude. Receiving gifts must be done in public. Gifts such as alcohol, perfumes containing alcohol, pork, pigskin products, personal items such as underwear, knives, toy dogs or pictures of dog and image of nude or partially nude women should no be given to anyone in Kuwait. When going inside buildings it is proper to remove ones shoes. Muslims do not eat pork and drink alcohol. Grasping each other’s right hand putting the left on the other’s right shoulder and exchanging kisses on each cheek is the traditional greetings between men. Men may shake hands with women, but the latter must wait for the first to offer his hand. The left hand is regarded as dirty and must be set aside for personal hygiene.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Local and Global Effects of Deforestation Essay
Trees are one of the most important aspects of the plant we live in. Trees are vitally important to the environment, animals and mostly us humans. So deforesting them will cause local and global effects on the environment and therefore harming us as well. They are also important for the climate as they act as filters of carbon dioxide. Forests are known as habitats and shelters of millions of species. However, the trees on our planet are being depleted at very high rates. The deforestation that has taken place due to human activity is as big as 50% of the whole planet. The main causes of deforestation is Ranching, Plantations, Logging, Mining, Road Building, Shifting Cultivations and for other commercial purposes. The destruction of the forests is occurring due to various reasons, one of the main reasons being the short-term economic benefits. Urban Construction is the main reason why large area of land is cleared. This involves cutting down of trees for lumber that is used or buildi ng materials, furniture and paper products which have a major impact on forest life. Forests are cleared to accommodate expanding urban areas. Road building is also included in these developments and one successful link is the Trans-Amazonian highway. This results in loss of forest area and massive deforestation. There are also local causes such as the Agricultural reasons. Forests are also cut down to clear land for growing crops, build farms, ranches and other food growing lands. The process of plantation is one of the causes which increased deforestation rates. It clears a patch of land to grow crops by slash and burn. The patch is then deserted until the soil regains its fertility. While plantation clears land by burning it, Shifting Cultivation still is as bad as Plantations as a large agricultural area is usually used for growing one crop such as bananas, coffee, cocoa and rubber. This process is usually carried out by international and therefore deforestation again is for short-term economic benefits. A main harvest in Brazil is Soybeans. This type of growing brings huge amount of profit towards the government. Even though most of the deforestation is caused for economic reasons there are some local/personal reasons such as Ranching. Large-scale cattle rearing-: because of this farms are huge to ensure there is enough grass to feed cattle. This gives land for cows to graze on. This is a main business as main retailers like McDonalds buy huge amounts of beef from places like the rainforest as they get it for cheap prices. Commercial Purpose for many large companies is another causation of deforestation. Companies clear forest for oil and mining exploitation to make highways and roads. Natural reasons are a big problem as well due to acid rain and wildfires which spread swiftly across large areas of forest land. Forest fires can occur naturally or in most cases are deliberate attempts by man to clear huge deforestation. Most of the time, these forest may recover, but usually the cleared land is used for construction and agricultural purposes. This leads to loss of forest and loss of habitat for the local wildlife. Mining – removal of minerals from the ground e.g. copper, gold and iron ore form large mines require clearing of large forest land. Mining is a legal process but there is illegal logging to use timber for commercial reasons e.g. mahogany has a big market for furniture in MEDCs. In Brazil 80-90% of logging is illegal. The WWF, the worldwide fund (non-government organisation) said that 28% of the EU’s timber imports could be illegal. Therefore there are economic are local reason which causes deforestation.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory Essay Example
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory Essay Example Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory Paper Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory Paper In developmental psychology, there are different theories on how an individual grows and develops. One well known theory is the Ecological Theory Development of Urie Bronfenbrenner. This theory emphasizes the importance of the relationship between an individual and the different environmental systems and how they can be related to each other. During early childhood, a person’s development is influenced by various factors such as the different types of the environment. Thus, Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory shows how an individual grows and matures. It also explains each system’s effect on a child’s development (Paquette Ryan, 2001). According to Bronfenbrenner, there are four different systems that influence an individual to develop as a person. First is the Microsystem which refers to the immediate environments such as family, classroom, friends, and neighborhoods. Second is the Mesosystem which pertains to child’s home and school. Third is called the Exosystem which the individual’s development is not directly involved in such as parent’s workplace. Last is the Macrosystem which points to a large cultural context such as Western and Asian cultures. These four different systems explain how a person changes and develops their personality traits in life (Paquette Ryan, 2001). In the first stage, when a child is born, he or she is taken care of by either the mother or a nanny. These individuals have a very big role in shaping the child’s characteristics. While there are studies which show that some personality traits can be actually inherited from both parents, the environment still has a big impact on developing a person’s characteristics. In the Microsystem environment, an infant usually spends the whole day with the family or the mother. Here, the characteristics of the child are already being developed. In the case of children whose parents are both working and the child is always accompanied by the nanny, there is a greater chance that the child will most likely acquire character traits of the nanny instead of the parents since they are always together and they spend the whole time together (Paquette Ryan, 2001). Neighbors and friends in school are also a big factor in the microsystem level. When the child starts to go to school, it would be a new environment for him or her to learn something and acquire new traits and characteristics from classmates and friends in school. As the child interacts with his or her classmates and gains new friends, there will be different influences from people around depending on how the child portrays him- or herself. Consequently, the child may develop a new personality trait that may be positive or negative. This continues as children grow old and mature (Paquette Ryan, 2001). Second is the mesosytem which is still related to microsystem. It is connected in a way that an individual is still significantly influenced by the microsystem, such as the parents who still influence their children even though the child goes to school already. A good example of this is a musically inclined child who has his or her talent developed through the teacher but at the same time, he or she may have acquired the talent biologically through the parents. Another example is when the parents are neglecting the child. In this case, it is likely that the child would be negatively affected and may not perform very well in school. Consequently, this can cause problems such as developing a negative attitude so he or she can be noticed and accepted by classmates or friends. On the other hand, when the parents always give positive regard to their child, he or she tends to develop a positive outlook in life. The exosystem is the third level, and this includes environment which the child or the person may not be directly involved in but may still leave an impact on his or her development. One good example of this as mentioned above is the workplace of the child’s parents. Although the child may not be exposed to the parent’s workplace, in some instances, it can still have an influence on the child. For instance, due to the exhausting demands of their job, some parents have no time to spend with their child. Their dissatisfaction towards their job may also negatively influence their desire to spend time with their children. Thus, the absence of parent’s assistance and support is likely to affect the child’s growth and development; it may cause the child to develop certain characteristics and traits that may be unpleasant, such as developing an anti social disorder or other behavioral problems (Paquette Ryan, 2001). The last system is called the macrosystem; it is a huge system that also has a significant impact on an individual’s growth and development. This is where the different cultures, religions, ideologies, and laws of the society take place. These factors have a great influence over the child’s developmental growth. In this system, both children and adults should already know their importance and goals in life. It is a stage where a person fully develops their individuality. For instance, a person’s religious beliefs may have a very big role in the development of an individual. There may be norms that are very different from another person’s standards, making things not work for different people. However, one should respect and understand the beliefs of others so that it will not create disputes with the different parties involved. Another example is one’s belief in parenting: that it should be the parents who will take full responsibility of their own child. This belief will most likely provide resources to guide the parents in raising their children as for shaping them in a way that parents think is right and the best for them (Paquette Ryan, 2001). However, there is one recently added system to the four different systems of a child’s development which Bronfenbrenner named Chronosystem. This stage is where the early four levels can change and intertwine, from the microsytem up to macrosystem. It is where an individual’s development is influenced by physical changes of an individual. For example, when a person gets older, there will be physical changes in his or her body, making his or her weak and vulnerable to some illnesses. These changes affect the behavioral patterns of the individual that he or she may not have when he or she was still young (Paquette Ryan, 2001). In an individual’s life, the environment is the most important factor that shapes people’s character other than the biological aspect. Considering Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of development which shapes people’s identity, from the time that they were born up to the time they become adults and start to have a career and a family of their own, it will always be the environment affecting and guiding each and every individual in living their lives because it is where people grow, mature, and discover their selves. That is the reason why Bronfenbrenners ecological theory is divided into different stages. These stages help us fully understand how a person’s character is being shaped and develop. That is how important environment is in a person’s growth and development, as highlighted by Bronfenbrenner’s theory. There are several theories which explain that various biological and environmental factors contribute to the development of a child. Hence, understanding Bronfrenbrenner’s ecological theory of development will help us analyze and understand why people have their own personality and characteristics. It will also serve as a guide for understanding each and everyone’s developmental cycle. It is through learning this theory that one can accept each character traits and behaviors. It is also a good factor for tracing problems, especially when it comes to behavioral issues of a person. As adults, it is our goal and responsibility to shape a child’s growth and development by becoming a good example to them. It is always the adults that children always look up to in their life. If we will all work on having good environment or surroundings in life, then we will have a respectable, successful, and almost perfect society. However, this will always be impossible, and there will always be deficits in life. Thus, the nature of our environment and its influence on people make life challenging, and it makes them learn, grow, develop and be successful in living their lives. References Ajuha, Yukti Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory. Montessori Academy. Retrieved September 22, 2008 from mymontessoriacademy. com/newsletters/websitebronfenbrennerecologicaltheory. pdf Paquette, D. Ryan, J. (2001). Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. National Louis University. Retrieved September 22, 2008 from http://pt3. nl. edu/paquetteryanwebquest. pdf
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Release the geek! - Emphasis
Release the geek! Release the geek! Below are the correct and incorrect versions of some of the most commonly misspelt words. Can you unmask the criminal mistakes? They’ll get away with it if not for you meddling kids. Go on, let your inner geek out to play. Share this link and challenge your colleagues to a spell-off. You know you want to 1. neccessarynecessaryneccesary 2. separateseperateseprate 3. receivedrecievedreceeved 4. occuredoccurredocurred 5. definitelydefinately6.grammergrammar7.predjudiceprejudiceprejujice 8. minusculeminiscule 9. occasionoccassionocassion 10. proffesionalprofessional 11. accomodateaccommodateaccommadate 12. religeousreligiousreligous 13. harrassharass 14. questionnairequestionairrequestionnairre15. occurrenceoccurranceoccurence 16. mischiefousmischievousmischievious 17. embarrassembarassembarras 18. connoisseurconnoiseurconnoissouir 19. cemetarycemeterycemetry20.changeablechangablechangeible Once you have your score, why not leave us a message in the comments section below to let us know how you got on? And if you have any spelling tips youd like to share, such as mnemonics, wed love to hear them.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reflections on Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reflections on Learning - Essay Example This led to a great improvement in my prowess on the field, and quenched my thirst for knowledge as a student. Some of the practical applications of our course open new doors to many opportunities that would have previously seemed distant. This has showed me that the growth in technology is diverse and the information to be gathered even the more. The following paper describes how my experience has been with the different concepts that I have acquired. It will also show some of the challenges I faced, and how they helped me to learn more from them. Reflection During my course curriculum, I came across many ideas. The ideas helped me understand the working of things in IT. In systems theory, some of the paradigms I learnt really gave me an in-depth understanding of how things work. I got to appreciate the connection between the different branches of IT and how they are interrelated. The most amazing and course changing moments are those when I learnt how all the branches are inter con nected and how the concepts from one branch spreads over to the other branches. This information helped me understand how to apply some frameworks and systems semantics from one platform to another .This kind of learning helped me open my mind up. It gave me an opportunity to be creative with my practices. During practical sessions, it was interesting to see how development of systems could be made easier by using time saving methods (Skyttner, 2008). These methods include; how to use different classes for different programs, and how to use data sets across different programs. These are some of the practices we got to learn. It showed me how technology could be used to achieve so much and make man’s work easier. Some of the insights I got were mostly from system design analysis and development. I got to learn the dynamics of implementing systems in organizations. I also learnt how these systems are used to improve the functionality of that organization (Skyttner, 2008). I und erstood the cost implications that are incurred by the organization. This also made me see how organizations justify the cost they incur when they have deployed a new system. They improve performance and make the staff understand why they need to embrace information technology. I learnt that this is achieved through training and making the staff understand the importance of this change. During the course, I faced numerous challenges that helped me learn a lot from the curriculum. Some of the concepts that were taught I had a problem understanding them and seeing their practicality. They posed a challenge especially when I had to justify their use, some concepts that were taught were also contradicting and they left me confused on which to apply. I later learnt that some of the concepts and practices might be contradicting, but they are applied in different scenarios. This is because the different scenarios require different approaches. This explained why some of the ideas might seem contradicting. An example is the approach used in programming. The two models; bottom up and top down, are applicable in different scenarios. Due to the extent of exposure we got from the class. My level of understanding of the topics we covered is sufficient. I knew this by trying different exercises to check and the results were quite satisfactory. I did the tests on a practical and theoretical level. This showed me that my learning was all rounded, and not skewed to one aspect. Conclusion Throughout the course,
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