Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Media and Mass Communications Development on a Healthy Mature Culture Essay
This argumentative essay is specially made to discuss the possibility for media and mass communication to nurture the development of a healthy, mature culture. Overall, the process of media and mass communication media development has already caused changes in the public sphere. The digitalization of media dramatically increases the chances of the people to get an access to the information, which is transferred instantly and often has not been edited by the people in government or media bosses. Thus, the information is now very complicated to control and therefore public has more opportunities to form its own opinion by comparing the facts from the different sources. The major problem, which could be seen right away, is the relation between the today’s process of media development and the actual development of a healthy culture. An assumption could be suggested that media and mass communication are able to influence the development of a healthy and mature culture, but it will require some significant changes form both media owners and their employees, as well as from society itself. Let’s de-construct the elements of the question and consider them in details in order to provide the better analysis. Strinati (2004) claims that the coming of the mass media and the increasing commercialization of culture and leisure resulted in the rise of issues, interests and debates which are still with us today. The researchers talk about culture, but what exactly is a culture? The word origin of culture or, the Latin root of the term is â€Å"colere,†meaning anything from cultivating to inhabiting, protecting, or worshipping. Modern definition of culture is the following: it is a growing sum of â€Å"knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations. †(Muller, 2005) Cultures differ depending on the mentioned elements of culture. As the examples of different cultures, the culture of Eastern and Western countries could be named. Mature†means the situation or the final condition when the full desired growth or development has been reached. â€Å"Healthy†means the robust and well condition; it is also an efficient and sound being. â€Å"Development†is a positive change; it is also a process of growth and an evolution. The word â€Å"nurture†means the act of helping to grow or develop; it is also an act of cultivation of some characteristics. â€Å"Media†are the means of communication that reach large numbers of people, for example, television, newspapers, radio and internet. In agreement to Morley (2000) the current global culture is the culture of hyper mobility where â€Å"we often engaged in border-crossings of one kind or another, but the nature and functions of borders themselves are shifting†. (Morley,2000) We live in the information economy era, in the era of new progressive technologies and communications that break the borders, in the times of social and economic evolution, the public sphere experiences new challenges and face new opportunities in this world full of complexity. Without a doubt the influence of modern mass communication over the culture is considerable. The shifts in the social and other aspects that are influenced by the spread of technologies and new media are powerful and they change our lifestyle, our habits and hobbies: they change the way we are living. Power and Scott (2004), argue the significance of mass media technology for economic and social life may be shown by considering certain developments of the 21st century. The situation in the 21st century in terms of the cultural development and its influence on people is much more complex than ever before. The introduction of internet has a significant influence over business and education because it provides greater learning opportunities than ever before. It is clear that the benefits of new technologies and mass communication for the education are enormous. Many experts claim that media influence the way we live in both positive and negative ways. An individual that aims to gain a significant social success almost can’t achieve it without at least slight use of the information gained through mass communication. Therefore these options can’t be ignored because they affect the majority of spheres of life and bring certain experience of social change. The development of mass media presents some outstanding social opportunities. But at the same time, the successful rise of mass media has also brought up concerns about the negative consequences of its spreading. There no doubt that mass communications and media have the tremendous influence over society and its culture. Bloomfield, Coombs & Knights, 2000) These changes lead to â€Å"new era economics†also known as a knowledge economy, non-linear effects, an unpredictable future, a redefinition of terms, time/distance changes, and much greater transparency. (Bloomfield, Coombs & Knights, 2000) Without a doubt, media sector experience dramatic transformations both in terms of the access to the information, the speed of the information spreading throughout the world and the increasing inability to control the information by the media owners or the government institutions. The processes of total digitalization and media convergence have started in 2000s and the majority of mass media indicate the possibility of turning the print media into fully digital forms by 2020 or 2025. Digital media has potentially revolutionary impact on the lifestyle of society. There is also an idea that media development and digital revolution are the ways â€Å"into an unknown and fundamentally changed future. †(Feldman, 1997) New media and new way of communications not only influence the culture of society, but they also change the way and manners of the socialization of its members. The major advantage of electronic communication and information technologies is the capability to transfer the information faster, at a lower cost, and to more people while also offering increased data communality, and processing. Another important aspect in which the media and mass communication can influence and nurture the development of a new healthy culture is the improved opportunity of learning by obtaining necessary information much faster and easier than ever before. Information acquisition is the process by which information is obtained from the environment and added to the collective stock of knowledge of a person or society in general. Fast information distribution provided by the modern mass communication allows sharing information sources among members of society freely, without the governmental control. The new mass communication also store information, and it plays a critical role in the development of culture, since socially accepted past experiences need to be accumulated for future use.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Definition of Mergers and Acquisition Essay
One plus one makes three: this equation is the special alchemy of a mergers or an acquisition. The key principle behind buying a company is to create shareholder value over and above that of the sum of the two companies. Two companies together are more valuable than two separate companies – at least, that’s the reasoning behind Mergers and Acquisition. This rationale is particularly alluring to companies when times are tough. Strong companies will act to buy other companies to create a more competitive, cost – efficient company. The companies will come together hoping to gain a greater market share or to achieve greater efficiency. Because of these potential benefits, target companies will often agree to be purchased when they know they cannot survive alone. Distinction between Mergers and Acquisitions Although they are often uttered in the same breath and used as though they were synonymous, the terms mergers and acquisition mean slightly different things. When one company takes over another and clearly established itself as the new owner, the purchase is called an acquisition. From a legal point of view, the target company ceases to exist; the buyer â€Å"swallows†the business and the buyer’s stock continues to be traded. In the pure sense of the term, a mergers happens when two firms, often of about the same size, agree to go forward as a single new company rather than remain separately owned and operated. This kind of action is more precisely referred to as a â€Å"mergers of equals. †Both companies’ stocks are surrendered and new company stock is issued in its place. For example, both Daimler – Benz and Chrysler ceased to exist when the two firms merged, and a new company, DaimlerChrysler, was created. In practice, however, actual mergers of equals don’t happen very often. Usually, one company will buy another and, as part of the deal’s terms, simply allow the acquired firm to proclaim that the action is a merger of equals, even if it’s technically an acquisition. Being bought out often carries negative connotations, therefore, by describing the deal as a merger, deal makers and top managers try to make the takeover more palatable. (Investopedia. com – the resource for investing and personal finance education. http://www. investopedia. com/university/mergers (Page 3 of 15). A purchase deal will also be called a merger when both Chief Executive Officers agree that joining together is in the best interest of both of their companies. But when the deal is unfriendly – that is, when the target company does not want to be purchased – it is always regarded as an acquisition. Whether a purchase is considered a mergers or an acquisition really depends on whether the purchase is friendly or hostile and how it is announced. In other words, the real difference lies in how the purchase is communicated to and received by the target company’s board of directors, employees and shareholders. Garbage (2007) in his thesis paper on International Mergers & Acquisitions, Cooperation and Networks in the e-business’ defines a mergers as â€Å"the combination of two or more companies in which the assets and liabilities of the selling firms are absorbed by the buying firm†. According to Gaughan (2002) â€Å"a mergers is a combination of two companies in which only one company survives and the merged company ceases to exist, whereby the acquiring company assumes the assets and liabilities of the merged company†. An acquisition also known as a takeover? s the buying of a company, the target? by another or the purchase of an asset such as plant or a division of a company. In the case of Vodafone acquisition of GT the acquired company Ghana Telecommunication Company limited still remains the legal name and Vodafone Ghana (VFGH) as the brand name. Rosenbaum and Pearl (2009) describe another form of acquisition known as a consolidation. According to them the terms mergers and consolidation are sometimes used interchangeably. As a general rule of thumb, a merger describes the acquisition of a smaller company by a larger one. If the union is between two corporations of more or less equal size, then the term consolidation is probably applicable. For the purpose of this study, the definition of Rosenbaum will be adopted as the working definition of a merger. Types of Mergers From the perspective of business structures, there are different kinds of mergers. According to Welch, P. and Welch, G. (2007) Economics: Theory and Practice (8th ed. ), economists generally classify mergers into three types: (1) horizontal, (2) vertical and (3) conglomerate. Horizontal mergers This type of mergers takes place when two firms in the same line of business i. . they are in direct competition or they share the same product lines and markets combine. A typical example is the 1999 Exxon Mobil mergers. The merger between Vodafone and Ghana Telecom which is the focus of our study is also a horizontal merger. Anticompetitive effects The vast majority of significant competition issues associated with mergers arises in horizontal mergers. A horizontal merger is one between parties that are competitors at the same level of production and/or distribution of a good or service, i. e. , in the same relevant market. There are two types of anticompetitive effects associated with horizontal mergers: unilateral effects and coordinated effects. Unilateral effects, also known as non-coordinated effects, arise where, as a result of the merger, competition between the products of the merging firms is eliminated, allowing the merged entity to unilaterally exercise market power, for instance by profitably raising the price of one or both merging parties’ products, thus harming consumers. In homogeneous markets, unilateral effects can be pronounced when two significant competitors merge to create a large, dominant player with only a few or no other competitors. In these markets, an important role in the assessment is played by market shares and by the capacity available in the market. In differentiated markets, unilateral effects tend to arise particularly when the two merging companies have highly substitutable goods. Such a price increase does not depend on the merged firm being the dominant player in the market. The likelihood and magnitude of such an increase will instead depend on the substitutability of the products supplied by the two firms – the closer the substitute, the greater the unilateral effects. Coordinated effects arise where, under certain market conditions (e. g. , market transparency, product homogeneity etc. ), the merger increases the probability that, post merger, merging parties and their competitors will successfully be able to coordinate their behaviour in an anti-competitive way, for example, by raising prices. As in the case of unilateral effects, the most common form of coordinated effects is in the case of horizontal mergers, i. e. mergers between firms active on the same market. The main question in analysing coordinated effects should be whether the merger materially increases the likelihood that firms in the market will successfully coordinate their behaviour or strengthen existing coordination. The task is to identify what factors are likely to lead to coordination taking place between firms post-merger. This was a controversial area with which competition authorities and courts have struggled to come to terms over the years, but experience has led to the emergence of some agreement on what conditions are most likely to give rise to coordinated effects. According to the â€Å"Airtours criteria†, coordination is more likely to emerge in markets where it is relatively simple to reach a common understanding on the terms of coordination. In addition, three conditions are necessary for coordination to be sustainable. First, the coordinating firms must be able to monitor to a sufficient degree whether the terms of coordination are being adhered to. Second, discipline requires that there is some form of credible deterrent mechanism that can be activated if deviation is detected. Third, the reactions of outsiders, such as current and future competitors not participating in the coordination, as well as customers, should not be able to jeopardise the results expected from the coordination. Vertical mergers These are mergers between firms that operate at different but complementary levels in the chain of production (e. g. , manufacturing and an upstream market for an input) and/or distribution (e. g. , manufacturing and a downstream market for re-sale to retailers) of the same final product. Another example is the acquisition of ABC television network by Walt Disney to enable Walt Disney air its recent movies to huge audiences. In purely vertical mergers there is no direct loss in competition as in horizontal mergers because the parties’ products did not compete in the same relevant market. As such, there is no change in the level of concentration in either relevant market. Vertical mergers have significant potential to create efficiencies largely because the upstream and downstream products or services complement each other. Even so, vertical integration may sometimes give rise to competition concerns. Anticompetitive effects Vertical effects can produce competitive harm in the form of foreclosure. A merger is said to result in foreclosure where actual or potential rivals’ access to supplies or markets is hampered or eliminated as a result of the merger, thereby reducing these companies’ ability and/or incentive to compete. Two forms of foreclosure can be distinguished. The first is where the merger is likely to raise the costs of downstream rivals by restricting their access to an important input (input foreclosure). The second is where the merger is likely to foreclose upstream rivals by restricting their access to a sufficient customer base (customer foreclosure). However, it should be noted that in general vertical merger concerns are likely to arise only if market power already exists in one or more markets along the supply chain. Conglomerate mergers involve firms that operate in different product markets, without a vertical relationship. They may be product extension mergers, i. e. , mergers between firms that produce different but related products or pure conglomerate mergers, i. e. , mergers between firms operating in entirely different markets. In practice, the focus is on mergers between companies that are active in related or neighbouring markets, e. g. , mergers involving suppliers of complementary products or of products belonging to a range of products that is generally sold to the same set of customers in a manner that lessens competition. This kind of mergers takes place when two firms in unrelated lines of business combine. A merger between a bank and a media house will be an example of a conglomerate merger. One example of a conglomerate merger was the merger between the Walt Disney Company and the American Broadcasting Company (http://www. sk. com/wiki/Conglomerate_merger) Anticompetitive effects Merger review in this area is controversial, as commentators and enforcement agencies disagree on the extent to which one can predict competitive harm resulting from such mergers. Proponents of conglomerate theories of harm argue that in a small number of cases, where the parties to the merger have strong market positions in their respective markets, potential harm may arise when the merging group is likely to foreclose other rivals from the market in a way similar to vertical mergers, particularly by means of tying and bundling their products. When as a result of foreclosure rival companies become less effective competitors, consumer harm may result. However, it should be stressed that in these cases there is a real risk of foregoing efficiency gains that benefits consumer welfare and thus the theory of competitive harm needs to be supported by substantial evidence. Evaluation of the effectiveness of existing regulations aimed to reduce anticompetitive practices of Mergers and Acquisitions in Ghana. Mergers and Acquisitions among companies in Ghana are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Industry Law 1993 (PNDC Law 333) (Ghana Investment Promotion Center, 2008). The law mandates the SEC ‘to review, approve and regulate takeovers, mergers, acquisitions and all forms of business combinations in accordance with any law or code of practice requiring it to do so. Ghanaian law on mergers and acquisitions is an amalgamation of several executive and legislative instruments passed as the corporate finance industry continues to evolve. The need to generate constructive competition among enterprises has been recognized by the government, and monopolies are actively discouraged as a result. The merger in November 2003 of two prominent international mining companies – Ashanti Goldfields and AngloGold (AngloGold succeeded in outbidding Rand Gold in the highly con-tested race with an offering of $1. 4 billion) promises great value to shareholders and the operations of both companies. The Companies Code stipulates the manner in which mergers and amalgamations should be effected. It places emphasis on company resolutions that authorize mergers and amalgamations and on the preservation of affected creditors’ rights. Ghanaian courts frown upon the arbitrary treatment of members or shareholders, and ample provision is made for aggrieved persons to apply to the court for redress at different stages of the merger or acquisition process. Foreign enterprises are guaranteed unconditional transferability of profits and dividends through any bank authorized to deal in freely convertible currency, encouraging and securing foreign investment. The transfer of company shares is exempted from all stamp duties and capital gains resulting from mergers, amalgamations and reorganizations are also tax exempt. Under Ghanaian investment law, preferential treatment is given to foreign and Ghanaian joint ventures by guaranteeing lower minimum capital requirements than those required for wholly foreign-owned enterprises. On the whole, mergers and acquisitions in Ghana continue to evolve as the government secures an attractive environment through executive, legislative and judicial activism to attract direct foreign investment and thus improve the economy. Consequently, the local corporate finance market has began to see increasingly complex financial transactions taking place as more international companies elect Ghana as the regional centre for their operations and its courts for dispute resolution issues.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Delights Nursing Care Home Essay
Here is an induction document explaining any risks or hazards that could potentially result in residents, visitors, and staff being harmed or abused within the nursing home. Physical Within the care home there will be some residents and visitors that may require to use a wheelchair or walking frame, this means that hallways can become very crowded and doorways can be awkward to get through. As well as physically disabled people, people with visual or hearing impairments can equally be at risk as if the hallways are blocked and a visually impaired resident has no knowledge of this it could lead them to be confused and potentially end up falling. A hearing impaired resident may not be able to hear if there is an emergency meaning that people have to leave the building quickly this could fault in them being pushed over or them bumping into objects. Hallways should be widened for easy wheelchair access and should be kept clear of furniture and objects making it efficient for all residents. If there is object restricting the residents to move and there was an emergency that requires first aid or a member of staff to assist they would be slowed down in attempt to help them. This is why staff, residents and visitors should be able to move freely, for both comfort and easy. Equipment The Care Homes equipment (hoists, lifting equipment) are stored on the second floor next to the fire exit. This could be a serious risk as if their was to be an accident requiring the residents to evacuate the building quickly this is unlikely to happen as staff would have to go up stairs and possible bring equipment down for the residents. Also if equipment is not sided properly this means that it could be blocking the fire exit meaning no one can exit the building as quickly as possible. The bedrooms are located on two different floors meaning some residents can access the kitchen which is located on the ground floor, this could potentially lead to appliances being turned on accidentally if a resident gets confused or falls switching them on, if a member of staff is not present. Infections With the Care Home looking after many residents infections can spread quite easily, the staff will have to make sure that they put in place any rules to stop infections from spreading. For example; all dirty laundry should be taken straight to the laundry room be washed, all infected wasted should be disposed of correctly by a member of staff, any medical waste MUST be disposed of immediately after use as this is one of the main ways infections can spread. If precautions are not taken seriously infections can begin to spread meaning the visitors and staff could pick up the infect and take it home. The care home needs to keep all equipment and areas of the home disinfected as elderly people have low immune systems meaning their body does not fight infections of like someone of a younger age. Substances All of our residents take medication for their disorders. It is vital that these medications are locked up safely in the office and are not left lying around to avoid the risk of someone accidentally taking them and doing themselves harm. Staff must also write down the time and dosage of which medication was dispensed to a resident. If not staff may give too much or too little medication which could seriously affect the resident. Medication must also be labelled with the name of the resident it is intended for. If not, strong medications could be given to the wrong resident which could be fatal. Working Practices Every member of staff should have the appropriate training for each resident in the home to avoid mistakes being made. If staff fail to have correct training the residents could be at harm as the staff member might not be able to calm certain residents down in times when they are stressed or be able to handle certain aspects of a resident, like lifting or medication. It could also affect the residents ability to trust staff if they do not know what they are doing as well as making other staff having to undo mistakes being made putting strain of the bond of the staff. The number of staff working in the care home should be efficient with the number of residents present in the care home. Currently Delights Care Home has a manager, a senior nurse, several care assistants, who all work shift patterns of morning, afternoons and nights as well as two cleaners, a cook, a kitchen assistant and a handy man. All staff should make sure shifts are planed accordingly to decrease the chance of being short staffed, this will reduce the chance of some residents being slightly neglected or left out. Being short staffed could mean residents may not receive their medication on time or wound dressings might not be changed as often leading to infections. Security Systems As the care home is situated near the main road it is important to keep security to a maximum. If a resident was to leave the building without a staff member or carer, they could be at risk of being knocked down trying to cross the road or getting lost because their confused. The Delights care home have a double entry door with a key code for staff which must be kept confidential as anybody could come in off the streets and cause harm to the residents, staff or visitors and a bell for any visitors, when the visitors enter the building there is a book they must write in to say they are here this is for health and safety. If there was a fire, this means that everyone in the building could be accounted for. We have a safe where residents can keep their money and valuables. This must be locked as to not tempt theft. This is also where the computer system holding the medical records is. If not kept secure this could breech the confidentiality rights of the residents.
Critical evaluate the Outokumpu's practices in supply chain management Assignment
Critical evaluate the Outokumpu's practices in supply chain management and provide the Outokumpu with your recommendation - Assignment Example 20% of it is used to manufacture internal components and industrial products. These features allow the company to develop sustainable competitive advantage and prospective growth in the near future (Outokumpu, 2011). This paper is focused on Outokumpu’s approach to global supply chain, the advantages and disadvantages faced by them, and the detailed study of their supply chain process. The supply chain management is one of the vital parts of the operations management of a company. The operations strategy of Outokumpu looks at a long term prospective of the company. It underpins the organizational vision regarding the operational activities.The operations management in the other hand encompasses the entire production process including procurement of raw materials, processing them into final goods, taking care of logistics, managing the supply chain and meeting the demands of the customers in minimum possible lead time.It is mostly short term in nature and deals with the daily activities that helps the organization to reach its goals. The supply chain management of Outokumpu is overseen by the group level. The company constantly monitors the market to make accurate demand forecasts and it modifies its operational activities based on the market scenario and current demand level in the industry. Every business unit is operated by its own supply chain management system , which is overseen by the group level (Outokumpu, 2011). The supply chain management of Outokumpu ensures that it follows the five business imperatives which are, cost, opportunity, flexibility, quality and speed. The company specializes in producing at lower cost, by resource optimization thereby increasing profitability and offering a lower price. The company also ensures that its supply chain process is efficient enough to be dependable and flexible enough to respond to the sudden changes in the market demand by
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky Inc Vs Williams Essay
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky Inc Vs Williams - Essay Example Williams has been observed to be experiencing, in layman’s language, fatigue when she has to perform highly repetitive physical tasks. Primarily, in 1993, just three years into her job, she was working for the assembly line with pneumatic tools and was diagnosed with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome and bilateral tendonitis and her physician put her on permanent work restrictions. The company, in view of this, for the next two years sought other places in the organization where she could perform. During this period, she filed two cases on the organization one in the US District Court of Kentucky and the other under Kentucky workers compensation Act. The matter was settled and she resumed work in December 1993.Upon her return, she was placed in the quality Control department where one of her job requirements was to put oil on the car, which required her to keep her hands and arms at around shoulder level. Eventually, this led her to experience acute pain in shoulders and she wa s diagnosed inflammation in the neck and shoulder muscles. Her physician put her under work of no kind restriction. In December 1996, on her request to perform only the first two requirements of her job , which she can still manage without pain, her employer terminated her services on account of her poor attendance record. Williams filed a charge against her employer at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Act and after getting permission sued them in the US District Court. Her claim was denied. The issue here is, she claimed that under ADA, which she used as a basis for suing her employer, is she actually eligible for the discrimination benefits? The first issue is that she can perform the core functions of life like eating, sleeping, performing hygiene related functions, dressing up even when she is allegedly ailing and at home. The second point to be considered is, her employer terminated her on her attendance record and not due to her disability.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Vote against war between America and Germany Essay
Vote against war between America and Germany - Essay Example Once the people have been led into war, there would not be anything as tolerance. Fighting requires ruthlessness and brutality. The very attitude penetrates into the fiber of national life. If this happens, everything ranging from the courts to the Congress, the common people, and the police would be infected. The only virtue would be conformity and those refusing to conform would be required to face penalties. If America enters into war with Germany, it would make the circumstances very unfavorable for the Constitution to survive in. The free speech would be gone and so would the right of assembly. It is, indeed, impossible for a nation to invest all its strength into war and yet keep its head high; there is hardly any example of the same in the history. We must go for any alternative that can be realized. So far, America has maintained a neutral attitude since the eruption of the war in 1914. America has been a proponent of the neutral states’ rights. The apprehensions of the Congress encourage the isolationist foreign policy about providing other countries across the globe with a political door into the policies of the US as well as the American population’s cultural melting pot. Keeping these facts into consideration, going into war with Germany would not be an informed decision.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Marketing - Assignment Example (Bloomsberg, 2011). The company maintains that all of its products are aimed at an older market, and that they will always promote responsible drinking. There are serious doubts about the sincerity of this claim due to the choice of bright colors and cartoonish designs on the cans, and the very sweet taste, both of which appeal to younger drinkers. The connection with Snoop Dog and rap music is also tied in with the youth market, and this may well encourage young fans to choose this drink. The pricing of the product at a rather low level is also seen as a possible encouragement for the young to buy it. The danger occurs when very young drinkers are not aware of the dangers of drinking, and when they are tempted to experiment with a product that is likely to cause health damage, and lead to erratic and risky behaviour. References Bloomsberg Businesseek and Associated Press. Online news item: â€Å"Maine AG seeks end to new high alcohol drink Blast. April 22nd, 2011. Retrieved from: h ttp:// Talanova, J. Colt 45’s fruit flavoured Blast drink comes under fire. CNN web page, 20th April, 2011.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Gene One Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Gene One - Essay Example The success that Gene One has had in eight short years has presented a quandary concerning the strategic path Gene One's future. Should Gene One execute of strategy of constancy and continuity Will this type of strategy keep Gene One's competitors from gaining ground on Gene One's share of the market place over the next several years After careful consideration of these perplexing questions, the leadership of Gene One has decided an alternate strategy, as Gene One has not achieved all that they have by continuity alone. Gene One has taken risks that were founded on sound strategy and faith that intelligent men and women with innovative ideas and unsurpassed drive and passion cannot be stopped. These type of people are winners and they accomplish their goals. These factors set the stage for constantly evolving ideas that provided multiple benefits that were accomplished in record time. Seldom has this type of success been achieved in the biotech industry which is considered a risky bu siness in some cases. That said, the Gene One leadership has decided that Gene One must be given an opportunity to experience its maximum growth potential before some piggy back organization with lucrative investors siphon off strategic market areas previously held by Gene One. As with any strategy, there are risks involved. ... As with any strategy, there are risks involved. However, due to Gene One's financial stability, strong leadership and growth potential, these risks are just obstacle that can be turned into positive opportunities. Please note the following: Economic Packages (founders of Gene One, board members and essential personnel) While IPO capital is of extreme importance concerning Gene One's preparations to go public, this topic can not be considered if it does not include job security and economic packages that reward the founders, board members and essential personnel at Gene One for their contributions that have led to the meteoric rise of Gene One over an eight-year timeframe. This is not a difficult problem to solve due to the strategy that will restructure and diversify Gene One while maintaining its technological and competitive edge over the competition. IPO Capital The following is a brief bio of Charles Jones, Gene One's marketing officer: "Two years after Gene Ones's start-up, Don Ruiz, Chief Executive Officer for Gene One, recruited 35-year-old Charles because of his reputation for "smart" risk taking and his biotechnology connections. Don saw him as the perfect person to develop and implement Gene One marketing strategy. Self-confident and moral, Charles easily garners trust for himself and the company." Ruiz, Gene One Company Overview Report Gene One 4 The Gene One leadership feels that while Charles is limited in his abilities to personally design and implement a marketing infrastructure, his overall talents and track record suggests that
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Eco-Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Eco-Design - Essay Example emerging and competing in the global market, has put a severe strain on the available natural resources and the idea of creating a environment friendly product has been relegated to the background. The three basic issues that an eco-design addresses are (1) The new age customer is getting more information regarding the dangers of environment pollution. He is thus getting more informed regarding the choices he can make while selecting a product. Thus he is able to demand products that are safe and environment friendly which leads to a direct pressure on companies to come up with innovative and eco-friendly solutions to their products. (2) A government that is sensitive to the concerns of the environment shall bring out laws, stipulations and guidelines within which a product needs to function. Adherence to these guidelines necessitates manufacturers to refine and tune their product development strategies. Some of the notable international laws and regulations include the Hazardous Waste Act of Australia(1989) & the ‘Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material(2005) of Canada .(Eco-Design: European State of the Art, 2007) (3) The industry in itself tries to own up to its responsibility and moral obligation of providing its customers with products that are clean and which are within the framework of being called ecologically sustainable (1) The process of developing eco-designs presents the design team and ultimately the manufacturer a host of opportunities to try out new variants of designs that serve to work out economically as well. (2) A rethink of the design aspect right from its inception stage may lead to an overall improvement in quality of the product. Apart from being in sync with the environment the overall efficiency of the product might increase leading to a win-win situation. The Eco-Design concept that has been formulated and developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) formulates a
Compare two computers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Compare two computers - Essay Example In addition, the random access memory of HP Pavilion is 4 gigabytes synchronous dynamic while Dell Inspiron random access memory is 6 gigabytes data rate (Lant 1). Consequently, the processing speeds of the two types of laptops differ significantly. Owing to the high processor capacity of Dell Inspiron compared to HP Pavilion, Dell Inspiron has a faster processing speed compared to HP Pavilion that is capable of handling mid-level and low-level software speed comfortably. Similarly, surfing using Dell Inspiron is smoother compared to HP Pavilion application. Another difference between the two types of laptops is depicted by the graphic design appearance. Dell Inspiron has an Intel HD graphic while HP Pavilion carries advanced micro devices. Furthermore, the hard drive size of HP Pavilion is 500 gigabytes while the size of Dell Inspiron is 1000 gigabytes (Lant 2). Hard disk is the hardware device that is responsible of storing data input for the laptops. This implies that Dell Inspiron has an advanced capacity to carry more data compared to HP Pavilion due to a higher hard disk memory. Similarly, the battery life of Dell Inspiron is estimated to last for 4 hours while that of HP Pavilion lasts for 4 hours. Thus, one has to recharge the Dell Inspiron battery more times compared to HP Pavilion due to the shorter battery life of Dell Inspiron compared to that of HP Pavilion battery. Another significant difference between the two types of laptops is the window application. HP Pavilion works under windows 7 pro while Dell Inspiron applies win dows 7 premium (Lant 1). Consequently, the memory support of HP Pavilion is capable of handling physical memory of 192 GB while Dell Inspiron laptop can handle physical memory of 16 GB. Moreover, HP Pavilion has a hard drive crash protection while Dell Inspiron does not have protection against hard
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
BYD Chinese Car Manufacturer and Saturn Car Inc. Would it be a good Essay
BYD Chinese Car Manufacturer and Saturn Car Inc. Would it be a good merger for future - Essay Example Saturn Car Inc. A subsidiary of ‘General Motors’, has been providing quality automotive vehicles for the roads of United States since the year it was formed in 1985. The company had all the signs of a successful company with large international export chains and quality assured cars till the decision was made to sell the brand to ‘Penske Automotive Group’ in 2009. The branch was later set on a path of complete shut down when Penske decided to back out of the deal. Keeping in lieu the brief introductions of the two companies it can be deduced that BYD Auto’s intentions to expand its market to the United States and Europe lack only recognition and trust of the public. Their initiative of making environment friendly cars on such a large scale gives them an upper-hand in the international market however their reputation of copying models will have a negative effect on their sales in the new market. On the other hand Saturn Car Inc. Has a perfect public imagine regarding their quality and value of the brand but the company is on a verge of complete shutdown despite their sales and recognition in the U.S. market. If there was a ‘merger’ to occur between the two companies; Saturn Car Inc could be saved from a complete shutdown but they would surely have a little change in technology in the environment. BYD Auto’s problems regarding the U.S. markets could be solved up to a certain extent by a merger with Saturn Car Inc and the company could surmount some of its issues regarding the duplication of famous brands of cars. If a merger were to occur between BYD Auto’s and Saturn Car Inc or the latter were to be bought by the prior, the result would partially be positive in nature. Both the company’s major problems could be settled (ignoring the rise of other minor complications). It could consequent in a corporation that combine’s the environment friendly cars and their large
Monday, July 22, 2019
Is hunting ethical Essay Example for Free
Is hunting ethical Essay The difference between hunting and killing â€Å"It is 4:00 in the morning as a father and son prepare for a day of elk hunting, Whenever October comes around this father and son know that it is an important month because it is hunting season and they have a chance to provide meat for their family. The day brings success to the hunters as they harvest a male elk and take it back home to share not only the meat but also the memories that were provided by the hunt. †Many people in this world have opinions about hunting saying it is â€Å"unethical†or that it is a cruel form of killing for fun. Hunting is portrayed as an activity that allows humans the right to go out into the wild and harvest an animal or animals just as our ancestors did many years ago, that is a good picture of it but there are many reasons why people hunt other than to get meat shoot a gun or hang out with friends in the outdoors Benefits of hunting Hunting isn’t what most people think, it doesn’t just help the hunters who are getting meat but it helps the population of animals as well. In Colorado alone there are an estimated two thousand elk and 1500 deer taken a year, this seems cruel but hear me out. If a herd of elk gets to big then there will be scarce amounts of food because there many mouths to feed but only so many acres of edible grass and plants to feed them. This problem causes fights and the weaker elk get run out of the herd because of over population, these elk that are disowned by the herd usually die off from starvation or predators. Matt Forsyth a local area hunter says â€Å"my family and I can live for a year on one animal harvested from our hunting trips†. That means that one animal out of the thousands in Colorado can support a family and save an estimated 400 dollars that is usually spent on beef pork and chicken bought from the store. My family relies on meat from my father and I every year, if we are not successful it is a devastating blow on our bank accounts. STATISTICS ABOUT HUNTING 12. 5 million people 16 years old and older enjoyed hunting a variety of animals within the United States. They hunted 220 million days and took 185 million trips. Hunting expenditures totaled $22. 9 billion. An estimated 10. 7 million hunters pursued big game, such as deer and elk, on 164 million days. There were 4. 8 million hunters of small game including squirrels and rabbits. They hunted small game on 52 million days and spent $2. 4 billion on small game hunting trips and equipment. 2. 3 million hunted migratory birds such as doves or waterfowl 1. 1 million hunted other animals such as woodchucks and raccoons. As the above figures state hunting is a very much enjoyed sport that Colorado residents take a very great passion in and I believe it always will be. DISADVANTAGES ABOUT HUNTING Many animals die yearly from accidental death from hunters, accidental death occurs when a hunter mistakes and shoots an animal or the target species he was pursuing. I have seen many accidental deaths as a hunter and it is very sad because I hate to take a life from an animal that did not deserve it, I am not saying all animals deserve to die but if I cannot benefit from the death of an animal then why does it deserve to die? Poaching is also a huge problem in America. I do not like this one part of hunting and I wish it could be eliminated, poaching is when a human illegally harvests an animal without a license. Over 1500 animals are poached each year and many of those animals had their lives taken only for their horns or ivory teeth and tusks. Many people will say that hunting is not right because the animals are helpless and innocent, I say otherwise. At the beginning of time hunting was a major part of life and was a necessity, being the only means of survival. It was a source of food, clothing, and sometimes tools. Hunted animals were know as game animals. The earliest tools used to hunt were bow and arrow and spears, where now in the present we hunt with more powerful weapons like the compound bow and rifle. Having these newer and updated tools man can now hunt with out having to work as hard at killing their prey. Just because it is easier to hunt with the new and improved rifles and bows does not mean that it is easy. I give a lot of credit to the Native Americans because they had it worse than us, they had to run and chase their animals till it was down where as now days you can use an all terrain vehicle or a truck to get deep in the forest. I feel like people do not look past the blood of hunting because it is such a gory part of the process and they feel justified to say that hunters are messed up in the head because would we want to be shot and bleed to death, I wouldn’t but still hunting has evolved from the early ages so humans were just taught that hunting was a way of living. I have been hunting since I was nine and I will admit that there were some parts of the sport that I wish I didn’t see. I hate to see an animal suffer and I have seen my fair share of that, but my plan was not to kill for the thrill or pride of taking down an animal. I did it because it was the meat that my family ate for a whole year and without it we would pay more than five hundred dollars for meat in 6 months because of my large family size. There is always a downside to everything and as much as I love hunting I have to say that there is parts that I do not like. What we see is the aftermath of people going out and killing trophy animals and removing those trophy parts, which would be the antlers or the horns and leaving the carcasses to rot, It is so disrespectful to the wildlife and gives hunting a bad name. (Sarason) Antlers are valuable. They can earn poachers hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars per mount. (Forsyth) Some people do it purely as a business. Theyve detached from their activity. Its just pure dollars and cents. They dont see wildlife as anything other than something you can buy and make a buck, (Sarason) â€Å"it is 4:00 in the morning as a man and his hunting guide sit in a cozy cabin drinking coffee and going over the game plan for the day, this man has paid his guide an estimated 3,000 dollars for this hunt. The day starts off in the truck as they drive to a hillside to see if spotting a herd will bring them luck, sure enough out of the tree’s comes a beautiful male elk with an astoundingly big set of antlers. This is where the 3,000 dollars comes in because this man is on a guided elk hunt that has been set up on a high fenced ranch (the animals have no way to escape or be free), the elk are given special grass and food to grow big antlers. The man shoots the elk takes pictures and leaves the meat with the guides who will charge him an additional 500 bucks to get it cut and delivered to his house†People from around the world come to have supposedly the hunt of a lifetime and partake in an event that our ancestors have done but it is far from what actually happens. Many guided hunts are just slaughter of animals because they have no place to be free and live a life, they shoot the animals and the guide hauls it cuts it and prepares it and all you have to do is pay 3,500 dollars for it which is a deal right? Real hunting is when you pay 300 dollars a year to chase fair game through beautiful mountains and enjoy cutting the meat hauling it and doing all of the stuff that makes hunting what it truly is today. HOW ARE ORGANIZATIONS GETTING INVOLVED Many people have a jaded opinion about hunting because they see tv shows about it and the people always shoot the big animals and it all looks so easy but in reality it is not all that easy, real hunting requires patience love and respect for not only the pastime of it but the animals as well. No person will ever be right about wether it is ethical or if it isn’t but everybody can have a say in what they think is right or what they believe in. hunting is such a controversial subject to many people because just like anything, if you don’t know anything about it you are either really interested or very skeptical and I have found that many people are skeptical. Because of all the modern PETA campaigns many people are upset about hunters going out and harvesting an animal because it is an â€Å"innocent†animal that has been killed for pleasure or thrill. But hunting is an art form and a blessed opportunity for humans to provide their family with meat as well as learn more about the outdoors and life. Many campaigns have been run to stop hunting in many states. These campaigns are put together by PETA a non-profit organization that try’s to outlaw the abuse and neglect of animals, also called animal cruelty. Organizations like PETA are against hunting because they are under the impression that hunting is a cruel form of killing helpless innocent animals which is true somewhat. What they do not understand is that while many animals die every year but true hunters will never kill for the fun of shooting a gun or killing. With a lot of the gun laws that the president is trying to pass maybe all of these animal cruelty organizations wont have to keep fighting hunters because if such laws pass then many Americans will not be able to hunt anymore. Rumor has it that PETA is trying to get all gun laws passed just because of the way that it could help save many animals every year. Hunting is a very controversial subject because it is so important to some people and many families rely on an animal to be harvested every year. Good hunting ethics are not usually covered by written laws. Ethics are a personal code which dictates how we act. It is conduct that is morally right, safe, proper and fair. According to Aldo Leopold, regarded as the â€Å"father†of wildlife management, â€Å"ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching- even when doing the wrong thing is legal. †T. D. Carroll, the Father of Texas Hunter Education, once said: â€Å"There are written and unwritten laws. The written laws tell us what we can and cannot do while the unwritten laws tell us what we should and should not do. †HOW WOULD ANIMALS BE AFFECTED IF WE DID NOT HUNT If we didnt hunt animals they would die of starvation and disease. That is why we have regulations on hunting. And that is why bag limits and seasons change yearly. Take for instance the Snow Goose, It is so overpopulated right now that it takes food from animals and fish that are low in population thus the overpopulation of this bird could cause other animals to go extinct. It would not be the hunters causing the extinction. This year there was a conservation order in effect issued by the Colorado Fish and Wildlife Department to hunt as many as you can-no bag limit which seems like a killing frenzy for all of the geese but given the options it really helps all animals. Another instance is with exotic species (species that dont naturally occur in a particular area). For instance here in Colorado, the Mountain Lion does not belong here but It flourishes and if it keeps its pace then it could totally wipe out the population of native species of animals. Thus, the state says you can hunt and kill the Mountain Lion whenever you want and as many as you want, you just have to tell the state where you shot it. Look at the wild pig. Not natural to the United States and now we have a major problem on our hands. They destroy crops and take the food of our natural species. If deer hunting became illegal we would have so many deer in this country no one would be able to drive down the highway without fear of hitting one at 70mph possibly killing the passengers of the vehicle. Or there would be so many deer the food would eventually run out for them causing them to starve to death. Many in Colorado are interested in living a healthy lifestyle, which often includes consuming organically-grown food. â€Å"Locally grown†is becoming an increasingly popular way to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables and backyard gardens are seeing a resurgence. One of the driving forces for the â€Å"going organic†movement is related to concerns about chemicals and pesticides associated with mass production of our food. Meat from hunting does not go through the chemical-related processes of grocery-store domestic meats. Hunting and eating wild game provides a lean, â€Å"free-range†protein product similar to that of organic food stores. Moreover, for those who hunt, fresh meat procured through hunting offers a â€Å"do-it-yourself†pride and satisfaction similar to that of growing your own garden. Hunting provides healthier food for the hunter and his/her family. I have nothing against farmers, I support them 100%, but theres more protein in the meat of a wild animal than there is a cow, pig, etc. So, more protein means a healthier cut of meat. It only takes one male to reproduce so anybody that says population control isnt a valid reason to hunt isn’t well equipped with the facts of hunting. Since it only takes one male animal, then theres no reason to have older animals that are not healthy reproduce because that would be passing along weaker genes, and that will make that generation of animals weaker. A lot of people say that hunters only shoot the males animals but that shows just how un-educated they are on this subject. I know many people who will kill a female over a male any day. Theres no benefit to just harvesting males and not the females. Each sex needs a specific number harvested to keep the population healthy. Back to the example I used about an older male animal breeding. Same thing goes with female animals. The older they get, the weaker their offspring will be. The less milk theyll produce. The older the animal (males and females), the weaker the state of their body/health. Inbreeding DOES happen where animal populations have exploded. You need a good mix of male and females of different lines so that you will get healthy offspring. Not only for that aspect of population control- if there are too many animals in a given area no matter if they are mostly males or mostly females, the animals will deplete the area of resources- food, water, cover. So, not only will the animals be at a higher risk for diseases/illnesses like rabies or CWD in deer, the land will be greatly affected by it too. The difference between hunting and killing â€Å"It is 4:00 in the morning as a father and son prepare for a day of elk hunting, Whenever October comes around this father and son know that it is an important month because it is hunting season and they have a chance to provide meat for their family. The day brings success to the hunters as they harvest a male elk and take it back home to share not only the meat but also the memories that were provided by the hunt. †Many people in this world have opinions about hunting saying it is â€Å"unethical†or that it is a cruel form of killing for fun. Hunting is portrayed as an activity that allows humans the right to go out into the wild and harvest an animal or animals just as our ancestors did many years ago, that is a good picture of it but there are many reasons why people hunt other than to get meat shoot a gun or hang out with friends in the outdoors Benefits of hunting Hunting isn’t what most people think, it doesn’t just help the hunters who are getting meat but it helps the population of animals as well. In Colorado alone there are an estimated two thousand elk and 1500 deer taken a year, this seems cruel but hear me out. If a herd of elk gets to big then there will be scarce amounts of food because there many mouths to feed but only so many acres of edible grass and plants to feed them. This problem causes fights and the weaker elk get run out of the herd because of over population, these elk that are disowned by the herd usually die off from starvation or predators. Matt Forsyth a local area hunter says â€Å"my family and I can live for a year on one animal harvested from our hunting trips†. That means that one animal out of the thousands in Colorado can support a family and save an estimated 400 dollars that is usually spent on beef pork and chicken bought from the store. My family relies on meat from my father and I every year, if we are not successful it is a devastating blow on our bank accounts. STATISTICS ABOUT HUNTING 12. 5 million people 16 years old and older enjoyed hunting a variety of animals within the United States. They hunted 220 million days and took 185 million trips. Hunting expenditures totaled $22. 9 billion. An estimated 10. 7 million hunters pursued big game, such as deer and elk, on 164 million days. There were 4. 8 million hunters of small game including squirrels and rabbits. They hunted small game on 52 million days and spent $2. 4 billion on small game hunting trips and equipment. 2. 3 million hunted migratory birds such as doves or waterfowl 1. 1 million hunted other animals such as woodchucks and raccoons. As the above figures state hunting is a very much enjoyed sport that Colorado residents take a very great passion in and I believe it always will be. DISADVANTAGES ABOUT HUNTING Many animals die yearly from accidental death from hunters, accidental death occurs when a hunter mistakes and shoots an animal or the target species he was pursuing. I have seen many accidental deaths as a hunter and it is very sad because I hate to take a life from an animal that did not deserve it, I am not saying all animals deserve to die but if I cannot benefit from the death of an animal then why does it deserve to die? Poaching is also a huge problem in America. I do not like this one part of hunting and I wish it could be eliminated, poaching is when a human illegally harvests an animal without a license. Over 1500 animals are poached each year and many of those animals had their lives taken only for their horns or ivory teeth and tusks. Many people will say that hunting is not right because the animals are helpless and innocent, I say otherwise. At the beginning of time hunting was a major part of life and was a necessity, being the only means of survival. It was a source of food, clothing, and sometimes tools. Hunted animals were know as game animals. The earliest tools used to hunt were bow and arrow and spears, where now in the present we hunt with more powerful weapons like the compound bow and rifle. Having these newer and updated tools man can now hunt with out having to work as hard at killing their prey. Just because it is easier to hunt with the new and improved rifles and bows does not mean that it is easy. I give a lot of credit to the Native Americans because they had it worse than us, they had to run and chase their animals till it was down where as now days you can use an all terrain vehicle or a truck to get deep in the forest. I feel like people do not look past the blood of hunting because it is such a gory part of the process and they feel justified to say that hunters are messed up in the head because would we want to be shot and bleed to death, I wouldn’t but still hunting has evolved from the early ages so humans were just taught that hunting was a way of living. I have been hunting since I was nine and I will admit that there were some parts of the sport that I wish I didn’t see. I hate to see an animal suffer and I have seen my fair share of that, but my plan was not to kill for the thrill or pride of taking down an animal. I did it because it was the meat that my family ate for a whole year and without it we would pay more than five hundred dollars for meat in 6 months because of my large family size. There is always a downside to everything and as much as I love hunting I have to say that there is parts that I do not like. What we see is the aftermath of people going out and killing trophy animals and removing those trophy parts, which would be the antlers or the horns and leaving the carcasses to rot, It is so disrespectful to the wildlife and gives hunting a bad name. (Sarason) Antlers are valuable. They can earn poachers hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars per mount. (Forsyth) Some people do it purely as a business. Theyve detached from their activity. Its just pure dollars and cents. They dont see wildlife as anything other than something you can buy and make a buck, (Sarason) â€Å"it is 4:00 in the morning as a man and his hunting guide sit in a cozy cabin drinking coffee and going over the game plan for the day, this man has paid his guide an estimated 3,000 dollars for this hunt. The day starts off in the truck as they drive to a hillside to see if spotting a herd will bring them luck, sure enough out of the tree’s comes a beautiful male elk with an astoundingly big set of antlers. This is where the 3,000 dollars comes in because this man is on a guided elk hunt that has been set up on a high fenced ranch (the animals have no way to escape or be free), the elk are given special grass and food to grow big antlers. The man shoots the elk takes pictures and leaves the meat with the guides who will charge him an additional 500 bucks to get it cut and delivered to his house†People from around the world come to have supposedly the hunt of a lifetime and partake in an event that our ancestors have done but it is far from what actually happens. Many guided hunts are just slaughter of animals because they have no place to be free and live a life, they shoot the animals and the guide hauls it cuts it and prepares it and all you have to do is pay 3,500 dollars for it which is a deal right? Real hunting is when you pay 300 dollars a year to chase fair game through beautiful mountains and enjoy cutting the meat hauling it and doing all of the stuff that makes hunting what it truly is today. HOW ARE ORGANIZATIONS GETTING INVOLVED Many people have a jaded opinion about hunting because they see tv shows about it and the people always shoot the big animals and it all looks so easy but in reality it is not all that easy, real hunting requires patience love and respect for not only the pastime of it but the animals as well. No person will ever be right about wether it is ethical or if it isn’t but everybody can have a say in what they think is right or what they believe in. hunting is such a controversial subject to many people because just like anything, if you don’t know anything about it you are either really interested or very skeptical and I have found that many people are skeptical. Because of all the modern PETA campaigns many people are upset about hunters going out and harvesting an animal because it is an â€Å"innocent†animal that has been killed for pleasure or thrill. But hunting is an art form and a blessed opportunity for humans to provide their family with meat as well as learn more about the outdoors and life. Many campaigns have been run to stop hunting in many states. These campaigns are put together by PETA a non-profit organization that try’s to outlaw the abuse and neglect of animals, also called animal cruelty. Organizations like PETA are against hunting because they are under the impression that hunting is a cruel form of killing helpless innocent animals which is true somewhat. What they do not understand is that while many animals die every year but true hunters will never kill for the fun of shooting a gun or killing. With a lot of the gun laws that the president is trying to pass maybe all of these animal cruelty organizations wont have to keep fighting hunters because if such laws pass then many Americans will not be able to hunt anymore. Rumor has it that PETA is trying to get all gun laws passed just because of the way that it could help save many animals every year. Hunting is a very controversial subject because it is so important to some people and many families rely on an animal to be harvested every year. Good hunting ethics are not usually covered by written laws. Ethics are a personal code which dictates how we act. It is conduct that is morally right, safe, proper and fair. According to Aldo Leopold, regarded as the â€Å"father†of wildlife management, â€Å"ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching- even when doing the wrong thing is legal. †T. D. Carroll, the Father of Texas Hunter Education, once said: â€Å"There are written and unwritten laws. The written laws tell us what we can and cannot do while the unwritten laws tell us what we should and should not do. †HOW WOULD ANIMALS BE AFFECTED IF WE DID NOT HUNT If we didnt hunt animals they would die of starvation and disease. That is why we have regulations on hunting. And that is why bag limits and seasons change yearly. Take for instance the Snow Goose, It is so overpopulated right now that it takes food from animals and fish that are low in population thus the overpopulation of this bird could cause other animals to go extinct. It would not be the hunters causing the extinction. This year there was a conservation order in effect issued by the Colorado Fish and Wildlife Department to hunt as many as you can-no bag limit which seems like a killing frenzy for all of the geese but given the options it really helps all animals. Another instance is with exotic species (species that dont naturally occur in a particular area). For instance here in Colorado, the Mountain Lion does not belong here but It flourishes and if it keeps its pace then it could totally wipe out the population of native species of animals. Thus, the state says you can hunt and kill the Mountain Lion whenever you want and as many as you want, you just have to tell the state where you shot it. Look at the wild pig. Not natural to the United States and now we have a major problem on our hands. They destroy crops and take the food of our natural species. If deer hunting became illegal we would have so many deer in this country no one would be able to drive down the highway without fear of hitting one at 70mph possibly killing the passengers of the vehicle. Or there would be so many deer the food would eventually run out for them causing them to starve to death. Many in Colorado are interested in living a healthy lifestyle, which often includes consuming organically-grown food. â€Å"Locally grown†is becoming an increasingly popular way to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables and backyard gardens are seeing a resurgence. One of the driving forces for the â€Å"going organic†movement is related to concerns about chemicals and pesticides associated with mass production of our food. Meat from hunting does not go through the chemical-related processes of grocery-store domestic meats. Hunting and eating wild game provides a lean, â€Å"free-range†protein product similar to that of organic food stores. Moreover, for those who hunt, fresh meat procured through hunting offers a â€Å"do-it-yourself†pride and satisfaction similar to that of growing your own garden. Hunting provides healthier food for the hunter and his/her family. I have nothing against farmers, I support them 100%, but theres more protein in the meat of a wild animal than there is a cow, pig, etc. So, more protein means a healthier cut of meat. It only takes one male to reproduce so anybody that says population control isnt a valid reason to hunt isn’t well equipped with the facts of hunting. Since it only takes one male animal, then theres no reason to have older animals that are not healthy reproduce because that would be passing along weaker genes, and that will make that generation of animals weaker. A lot of people say that hunters only shoot the males animals but that shows just how un-educated they are on this subject. I know many people who will kill a female over a male any day. Theres no benefit to just harvesting males and not the females. Each sex needs a specific number harvested to keep the population healthy. Back to the example I used about an older male animal breeding. Same thing goes with female animals. The older they get, the weaker their offspring will be. The less milk theyll produce. The older the animal (males and females), the weaker the state of their body/health. Inbreeding DOES happen where animal populations have exploded. You need a good mix of male and females of different lines so that you will get healthy offspring. Not only for that aspect of population control- if there are too many animals in a given area no matter if they are mostly males or mostly females, the animals will deplete the area of resources- food, water, cover. So, not only will the animals be at a higher risk for diseases/illnesses like rabies or CWD in deer, the land will be greatly affected by it too.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysis Of The Industry: Porters Five Forces
Analysis Of The Industry: Porters Five Forces After the three decades of the war ended the political situation in the country is stable and the current government enjoys 2/3 of the majority of the parliament and president remains the most popular person in the country. But the political turmoil surrounding the Middle East and Iran affecting the local export market since most of the tea products were export to the Middle East market. Also, the economic sanctions impose by the United States and the European Union on Iran affecting the local export market. 2.2 Economic Environment The fluctuating exchange rates are affecting the local producers since most of them import the raw material from China and India and produce their main products. The world economic downturn affects the local economy. The opening of the new port and expansion of Colombo port will bring more vessels to the Colombo port. This will definitely increase container volumes to the country. 2.3 Legal Environment The government has introduced a system to regulate the shipping and freight forwarding industry in the country. All shipping and freight forwarding agents must register with Merchant Shipping department. Where they will categorise to two separate groups and issue licences. This is renewable yearly. 2.4 Technological Environment The Sri Lanka customs department has introduced the new EDI (electronic data interchange) system to update shipping manifest through the entering in to customs department website , which will benefit the industry where cost and time of the forwarders will be saved .previously the manifest were submitted by manually and separate person should allocate to do the job. Also this will help the accuracy and duplication of work. 3 ANALYSIS OF THE INDUSTRY THOUGH PORTERS FIVE FORCES 3.1 The Threat of new entry In the Sri Lankan freight forwarding industry the threats of new entry is rather high because there are no legal requirements other than registration as a company with register of companies. Any one or any party can enter in to the industry with only requirements are recognition in the industry, business contact and Agent network with minimum capital can easily enter in to the industry . The new entry enters in to the market will be burden for the existing freight forwarders in the market. The industry is already overcrowded with so many players completing for slow growing market and everyone have to share the existing customer base with new entry. The entry barriers to the market can be arisen due to economies of scale when the new entrant does not have the volume advantage at the start of the business. Another barrier is the new regulation by the government which comes under the Merchant Shipping Department. The forwarders must have the licence to carry out the business with in the local Market. 3.2 The Treats of Substitutes The substitutes service can be provided by the carriers and air lines by way of value additions or part of the supply chain to the customers. Ware these carriers can provide additional services like warehousing, transportation, inventory control etc. The Maersk the world leading carrier has started their own arm to provide the additional value added services to the customers by in the name of DAMCO international .this will surely make the adverse effect on the current forwarding market in the country. 3.3 The Bargaining Power of the Buyers In the Sri Lankan freight forwarding market the bargaining power of the buyers are very high. when compared to other markets in the world county have very small import and export market in year 2011 countrys export containers were around 260047 and imports containers were around 487901.other than forwarders the main carriers are also competing to get the business direct from the customers. The freight forwarder has to convince the buyers and must offer more value for the money. Due to high completion and small market the buyer power high within the industry. 3.4 The Bargaining Power of Suppliers The suppliers for the freight forwarders either shipping lines, airlines, ware house provider or Logistics Companys provide services to the freight forwarders. In Sri Lanka the shipping lines and air lines are dominating the market .if other than the freight forwarder has large volumes they can bargain with the shipping lines and air lines other than that the bargain power of the suppliers are very high. 3.5Competitive Rivalry among Existing Firms As per the merchant shipping department there are 296 freight forwarding companies operating in the local market and there is also other freight forwarders operating in the market without licences. There is high competition among the forwarders since the export market is only expand around 6% in year 2011and import market did expand by 17% when compared to 2010as mentioned by the Sri Lanka Freight Forwarders Association (SLFFA).in the industry there are lot of equal size competitors in the market competing for the same market share will resulting intense competition within the market .and there are few major size competitors competing in different sectors of the market .most of these competitors complete in the appeal and tea sector since those are the most exported commodities in the country. CONCLUSION When analysing the five force frame work in the freight forwarding industry in Sri Lanka there is little information about the individual performance of the rival organisation. And there is no ranking system to identify who the best company is providing the forwarding services in the industry. And there is lack of understanding among competitors within the industry about the growth and there is no growth forecast within the industry. When analysing the above finding there are lot of competition in the market for sea freight export since the market is very small compared to the countries. Most of the freight forwarders concern about the full container cargo (FCL Containers) in market and less about the loose cargo load (LCL) and multi country consolidation (MCC). 4. VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS 4.1 Primary Activities 4.1.1 Inbound Logistics When comes to the export of goods organisation provide transport from shippers place of production to the organisations ware house. Fumigation, obtaining relevant certificates for the export purposes is other value added services. In the import sea freight communication with relevant shippers in the various destinations, picking up the relevant goods, storing in the ware houses in the relevant destinations till it ships to relevant destination. 4.1.2 Operations In sea fright exports the operation is stuffing the relevant cargo inside the container according to the stuffing plan. In this case the Cargo must be stuffed to the container without any damages and relevant cargo must be send to the relevant containers accordingly. And should send to the relevant ships accordingly. In Import Sea cargo must be DE stuffed accordingly. 4.1.3 Outbound Logistics When is come to the import shipments after receiving the goods to the Colombo port the organisation must issue the relevant documents to the relevant consignees to clear the goods from the relevant ware houses operated by the Sri Lanka ports authority. Also tracking down the cargo from the various ware houses. 4.1.4 Marketing and Sales Promoting sea freight business with relevant rate to the direct and cooperate customers, overseas agents and shippers with value added services are the part of the sales and marketing 4.1.5 Services Tracking the customers cargo till its deliver to relevant parties, issuing Delivery orders, Bill of ladings, surveying for the damage cargo and issuing relevant letters to obtain the insurance claims and sending arrival notices some of the additional services provided by the company. 4.2 support activities 4.2.1 Technology Development The firm provide tracking system to all their customers to track their cargo through new innovative system .using this system customers can see where their cargo are currently lying on or which vessel the shipments are on and time this shipments will be delivered to the destinations. 4.2.2 Firm Infrastructure and Human Resources Management The firm has a good reputation among the customers. The organisation poses a good customer centric culture. The MIS support the innovation and responsiveness to the customer needs. 5. THE SOURCE OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE THROUGH ONION MODEL THE GOOD ONION MODEL 5.1.1 The Agent Network The organisation poses a worldwide agent network .the organisations has 40 associate offices in 13 countries and cargo ships to over 120 countries reaching more than 1200 destinations worldwide which unmatched by the local competitors . 5.1.2 Superior Rate Structure Cost Leadership in LCL Market The organisation offers the most competitive rate in the LCL cargo sector in the market and most of the other freight forwarders in the market co-load their shipments with company since they do not have the capabilities match the rate offered by the firm. 5.1.3 Leading Multi Country Consolidator The organisation is the innovator of the large scale of operations of the multi country consolidation among the competitors. Firm is the leading MCC to Indian sub-continent. 5.1.4 Innovative Cargo Tracking System The customers can track their cargo through the system only the have to do is enter the bill of leading numbers to the system and will able to get the full details about their cargo 5.1.5 Customer Centric Culture The organisation is fully focused on customers needs and requirements. Organisation have separate department focusing the customer care and even has customer complaint line which is first for the Sri Lankan freight forwarding industry. 6.THE BAD ONION MODEL 6.1.1 Parochial Top Management Mind Set Even though the organisation very centric towards the customers and customer need they are not much focused on the developing business to the next level or stepping up for the next level. They poses very narrow set of business vision for the company and does not want step outside the comfort zone their currently in and change the current business dynamics. 6.1.2 Employee Engagement The organisation lacks the motivation to achieve its goals .where employer wants employees to do their best work and drive the organisation towards its goals. To do that employer must engage with the employees and find the ways to get more from the employees other than the primary work set they have been assigned to do . 7 THE SWOT ANALYSIS 7.1 Strengths of the Organisation 7.1.1 Agent Network As mentioned earlier organisation has good agency network around the world. Using this network firm can import and export any cargo according to the customer requirements. 7.1.2 Rate Structure Since the firm operates most parts of the world with various agents organisation can offer the cheapest LCL rate in the market. Most of the agents the firm work are the market leaders in those destinations and they have the lowest tariff with in that particular destination .with the collaboration with them organisation can offer the best rate in the market. 7.1.3 Transhipment Cargo Volume The Colombo port is a strategic transhipment point in the world. So most of the cargo to Europe from Indian sub-continent tranships through the Colombo port and most of the European Cargo to Indian sub-continent tranship through Colombo port. Large numbers of agents send their transhipment cargo to consolidate in Colombo and deliver to the various destinations. 7.2 Weaknesses Of the Organisation 7.2.1 Working Capital Inadequacy The firm always works with the thin profit margins with credit to the customers sometimes with low volumes will create a loss situation where it will affect the working capital requirements of the company. The other scenarios is there more imports to firm than exports and the firm has to pay to the agents and should provide credit to the customers this will also create working capital inadequacy. 7.2.2 Human Resource Management The firm not very keen in developing good human resources management process .this will lead to the less employee engagement and will hinder the achievement of organisations goals through performance. 7.3 External Opportunities 7.3.1 Development of Colombo and Hambantota Port The development of Colombo port efficiency and increase of the handling of the containers will affect the industry also opening of the new port in Hambantota will increase the vessel calling specially the car carriers are promoted in the new port. Expansion of the Colombo port to will attract more vessel to the port and will benefit the local industry by more volumes and less cost 7.3.2 Stable political Environment The ending three decades of the war and stable political environment will attract more investors to the country. The more investment comes and starts new business will create more imports and exports from the country. 7.4 External Threats 7.4.1 Weak Economic Development of United States and European Union The European Union and United States economic crisis were affected to the local garment and tea and other sectors badly and this crisis has been effected to the freight forwarding industry also the export market were grown only by 6% in last year. 7.4.2 Turmoil in Middle East and Sanctions to Iran One of the best export market for the country is middle East and Iran .the current turmoil in Syria, Egypt ,Libya has halted the export to those countries also the sanction by the US and EU to Iran also effected the industry . 8. THE VISION, MISSIONS, CORE VALUES OFTHE COMPANY The Colombo office uses the same vision statement as head office in Singapore. This is a border group with different SBUs and freight forwarding is a one SBU among other business units. Colombo office should have a different vision for its objectives. Modified vision statement for the firm would be TO BE A ONE OF LEADING FREIGHT FORWARDING COMPANY IN SRI LANKA WITH GLOBAL FREIGHT FORWARDING CAPABILITIES. The mission statement by the head office will be the mission to the company since to become the leading freight forwarding company in Sri Lanka the firm must move to the other sectors of the logistics to provide best value to the customer. 8.1 Core Values 8.1.1 Service Reliability Provide the best service to customers and to improve the service levels and consistently upgrade the service levels 8.1.2 Competitiveness To provide competitive freight rates in the market and pass any reductions possible to valued customers so they can keep their cost down to the minimum levels. 8.1.3 Customer Focus To understand the customers requirements and utilise the knowledge of the organisation to deliver quality, committed service to the customer 8.1.4 Teamwork As a reputed organisation it values the strength of an individual and combined together to deliver the objective of the firm 8.1.5 Quality The firm to ensure customers receive a standard of service which provides quality and assurance that can deliver time and time again. After analysing the firm performance trends for the year 2008/2009/2010/2011/2012the growth target was set. The average profit for the previous years is about 11% for the export and imports therefore the target was set as 13% of profit increase for two sectors. The target was set as 13% due to increase volumes and profit margins for the current year and previous year and expansion of Colombo port and operations in the new port will increase the volumes for next few years. Also political stability in the country and increase of forgin direct investment to the country will improve the economical growth. The target could not raise tan 13% due to the economic turmoil in the Middle East, US, EU these markets are still recovering and it will take more than three years improve the current crisis. 10. STRATEGY OPTIONS TO ACHIEVE THE GROWTH 1. The Ansoff Approach 10.1.1 Market Penetration Increasing the sales volume through new marketing recruitments, providing sales discounts to encouraging the customers to purchase more services, offering the best possible rates to competitors to attract their cargo to the company 10.1.2 Market Development Firm can enter in to the new market segments like Garment and telecommunication through supply chain management .Also can enter in to the alliance with Maldivian hotel trade to exclusively suppler of from various destinations. 10.1.3 Product Development Firm can combine their import and export business together and provide services such as imports goods from one country and export the same goods to an another country .bundling the products together and offering as a one product (freight, transport, packing ,entry passing together as one product ) 1.4 Diversification Firm can move in to a commodity markets where they can buy and sell commodities using freight services as base. 10.2. The Porters Approach 10.2.1 Cost Leadership Currently the firm provides the lowest cost in the market. Where firm cut the costs to the minimum and pass the savings to the customer with lower price .this help to attract more volumes to the organisation. 10.2.2 Differentiation The firm can differentiate their product and services more attractive than the competitor .this can be create through customer service, image of the organisation, faster services to one destination to another. 11. STRATEGY FOR THE GROWTH The firm to use hybrid strategy for the growth .the organisation need to penetrate in to the market using cost leadership and use the strengths to pursue opportunities. The firm currently have superior agency network and best rate structure using these strengths firm can pursue more penetration in the market to achieve the growth target set. Through market development using differentiation as a tool firm can enter in to the new local and overseas markets. Currently the group does not operate in Maldives and therefore firm can represent the group by opening up a branch office in Maldives. Currently Maldives have one shipping line and one freight forwarding company and the whole group has not promote the Maldivian cargo especially there is lot of cargo moving in to the hotel sector from Europe and china. Currently firm only offers few services such as freight, transport, packing and entry passing. This will limit the growth opportunities. Firm can enter into a new market segment using supply chain management. This will help the firm to tap in to the appeal industry which is one of the largest import and export market in the country. The growth target growth for the next 3 years is 13% increase of profit and volume. Through new product development firm can attract more customers and volumes to achieve the set target. Combining few product and services as new product and offering to the customers services like imports from one destination to other destination without importing the goods to Colombo will be a new product development to the firm Sri Lanka is world famous for its tea, rubber, coconut, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and pepper. The firm can concentrate on those commodities with advantage of knowledge on logistics can enter in to the commodity market as a diversification strategy Attracting more customers will increase the volume and with improved volumes firm can reduce the barging power of the suppliers and reduce the direct cost of the freight, transport and warehouse to improve the firms profit margins. 12. THE RESOURCE IMPLICATION To achieve the target growth organisation must control the administration, marketing, finance and cost of sales expense wisely. 12.1Human Resource Management Implications The growth target is only to be increased by 3% so the organisation will use the same work force to achieve the target except the marketing department. Marketing really need to hire few personals to enter in to the new markets and promote products. 12.2Capital Implications The organisation need to provide credit to the customers and will have to work on thin margins therefore there should be an initial capital injection required to ease working capital requirements. 12.3 System and IT Implications The organisations have to modify the current system since its runs with full capacity. Therefore adjustments should be made to the current system to accommodate more data inputs with different modules. Also need to develop modules for supply chain management and branch office monitoring and improved MIS. 12.4 Finance Department Implications The finance should gear up with knowledge of accounting and audit standards required for the new business units and should able handle the large debtor and creditors list and should able to manage efficient cash and bank balances to support the growth 12.5Ware House and Transport Implications The current ware house space has to increase to accommodate more cargo. Therefore the firm has to find more space or efficiently handle the cargo movement without adding more space. Also the transport providers will have to increase or transporters with large vehicles to hire. 13 HOW CHANGE WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED 13.1. Developing Momentum To achieve the target firm must develop a momentum inside the organisation. Then should communicate the aspirations and growth targets to the staff and align them behind the change required. Top management should come out from their shell and should lead the way. Management should engage with employees to get maximum out from them to achieve the set target. 2. Planing the Change Firm to break down the growth plan in to twelve months set milestones in to each month. What should achieve in the first month and should establish measures for success. Identifying key talent of the organisation and allocating and delegating responsibilities for planning and implementation to them. After every month the results to be reviewed extensively to find the results were achieved accordingly. If not preparing the contingency plan to fill the identified gap. 3. Top Management Leading the Implementation Top management must inspire other for the change required. Also they must communicate with the staff, stake holders, and customers about the change. Seeking early success will improve the momentum for the growth and motivate staff. Every step of the change must monitor, control, and review. Also they must prepare to deal with the unexpected turns in PESTEL factors and should plan for the continuous improvement till the target is achieved
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Causes of the Egyptian Revolution
Causes of the Egyptian Revolution CHAPTER II Literature Review Revolution is a process of rapid and fundamental change of the social, economic, and political systems, leading to collapsing an old regime and its associated elite. By studying concepts and historical examples of revolutions, we can find some valuable points common for all revolutionist movements, thus helping analyze the motives of the Egyptian Revolution. Ted Robert Gurr defines revolution as, â€Å"highly organized political violence with wide spread general participation, designed to over-throw the regime or dissolve the state and accompanied by extensive violence.†[1] The term revolution can be used differently in many contexts; however, it usually means a violent overthrow of a regime or social structure or a great sudden change in social principles. A revolution typically characterizes a complete change from one way of doing something to a different way that is usually represents the reverse. Gurr writes, men are quick to aspire beyond their social means and quick to anger when those means prove inadequate, but slow to accept their limitations.[2] He also states, â€Å"people act out their frustrations if they believe that they stand a chance of relieving some of their discontent through violence.[3] He explains this, however, by signifying that angry people are likely to be more open to arguments that violence would help, so emotion eliminates the calculation, making acts less than rational. Jeff Goodwin gives two explanations for revolution. He defined revolution in one definition as any and all instances in which a state or a political regime is overthrown and thereby transformed by a popular movement in an irregular, extra-constitutional and/or violent fashion. He made also a narrow definition and points out â€Å"revolutions entail not only mass mobilization and regime change, but also more or less rapid and fundamental social, economic and/or cultural change, during or soon after the struggle for state power.[4] Both definitions tell us that revolutions are instruments for changing a system. From another perspective, Jack Goldstone defines revolution as an effort to transform the political institutions and the justifications for political authority in society, accompanied by formal or informal mass mobilization and non-institutionalized actions that undermine authorities. [5] He does not talk about large mobilization movements. He simply mentions revolutions as an effort to change political institutions. Proponents of Marxist thought use the term revolution in a very particular way. While reforms are changes in existing social and cultural system, social revolutions cause a sudden shift from one social order to another. For example, Theda Skocpol described revolution as rapid, basic transformations of a societys state and class structures; and they are accompanied and in part carried through by class-based revolts from below,†[6] attaching revolutions to a combination of several conflicts between state, bourgeoisies and the lower class people. She also states, â€Å"revolutions are not just extreme forms of individual or collective behavior. They are distinctive conjectures of socio-historical structures and processes,†[7] attributing revolutions to social elements. What observable political conditions ought to prevail before a revolution begins? Charles Tilly states that three conditions appear to be necessary, and a fourth strongly facilitating. The three apparently necessary conditions are as follows: Alliances or coalitions of contenders, bringing forward claims to the control the state that is currently being controlled by the members of the regime. A significant part of the given population’s commitment to those claims Reluctance or ineffectiveness of the government to put an end to these alternative coalitions or people’s commitment to their claims. Establishment of alliances or coalitions between members of the regime and the contenders bringing forward alternative claims.[8] From a different of view, James Defronzo explains conditions that make revolutions possible in terms of five factors: mass frustration, divided elites, unifying motivations that unite different social groups in support of revolution, a severe political crisis for the government including legitimacy loss and loyalty of armed forces, and a permissive or tolerant world environment in which other nations do not intervene to stop a revolution from developing.[9] He argues that a high amount of mass discontent usually stems from three steps independently or a combination of them: a decline in living situations; a change in the moral tolerability of current conditions involving people feeling that their lives can and should be better; or a period of betterment in the people’s living conditions followed by a severe decline.[10] Displeasure previous to an outburst of a revolutionary movement is often deepened by sensational events that stir up many people such as violent government suppression of challengers. According to Jack Goldstone, revolutions rarely triumph because the conditions rarely coincide. Monarchic states are able to sustain popular support through making appeals respect for nationalism and royal tradition. Privileged elites, who are often enriched by such governments, will only abandon them if their conditions or the doctrine of the rulers changes radically. It is difficult for a general mobilization to triumph because it requires reconciliation of the different interests of the rural or urban poor, students, the middle class people, and many ethnic or social groups. There are many events in history such as student activists, workers strikes, and peasant uprisings that were quickly suppressed because they were a movement of one single group, rather than of a large one. Other international states have often gotten involved in these uprisings to support authoritarian rulers in order to preserve balance and make the international system stable.[11] Even if revolutionary efforts fail, they can possibly result in significant social change. Government or dominant groups will make concessions so as to settle down the protestors, when people try to make an important change in society. Even if these concessions do not satisfy the people’s demands of a total change, they can indicate significant progress. At times, social change can take place step by step because unsuccessful revolts gradually lead a society into a different way, until a new lifestyle is finally achieved. Not all turbulence should be labelled as revolution. Political turmoil is highly possible during the process of modernization. In Samuel Huntington’s words â€Å"it is not a lack of modernity rather the efforts to achieve it that causes political turmoil.†[12] Social mobilization and economic development may be disruptive. For example, economic development results in high economic inequality and social mobilization causing that inequality to be less legitimate.[13] A discrepancy between the public wellbeing and private interest becomes apparent when a culture improves, resulting in the rise of corruption as a problem. This problem can lead to the entrance of new groups to the current political system, or it can promote economic growth if government creates it through the expanse of government regulation. Though corruption may weaken the current regime, it can make political parties stronger, and in fact promote political development in countries where the regime has too much authority.[14] Theda Skocpol states that social revolutions are rapid and basic transformations of a societys state and class structures. What makes Social Revolutions important is that basic changes in social and political structure occur and these changes take place by means of intense sociopolitical conflict.[15] In the end, these changes lead to the collapse of one system and the erection a new one. The French Revolution was a social and political one that supplanted feudalism with capitalism. People did not just get rid of the monarchy, but also they killed thousands of aristocrats who had taken advantage of people for centuries. Peasants made up most of the people and the feudal relationship between those peasants and landlords was eradicated. It paved the way for capitalist relationships of manufacture and trade. In â€Å"Comparative Revolutionary Movements,†Thomas H. Greene argues that if economic conditions of a state worsen, they can lead to a revolution.[16] The reason for the economic downturn, which led to the overturn of the government in Ghana, was the worsening agricultural production that caused great trade imbalance, a huge overseas loan, and extremely high unemployment rates.[17] Likewise, the economic crisis between 1970s and 1980s in Poland exploded enormous revolts and high rates of discontent.[18] Neil Smelser states that economic issues, such as unemployment, food scarcities, rising food prices, and decreased earnings are related to the upsurge of violence between Mexico and England in a situation similar to what was seen before the French Revolution.[19] One of the most important factors that gave rise to the Mexican revolution in 1911 was the economic crisis that the country experienced at the end of Porfirio Diaz’s rule. High levels of inflation and unemployment rates in the last four years of Diaz`s reign, causing Mexico to experience deterioration and stagnation. Decline in the price of sugar, which was the country’s chief export product, was the main reason behind the decline in the Mexican economy. Likewise, in Cuba, the over-dependence on sugar as an economic incentive brought about high levels of unemployment rate and worsening economic conditions when exports to the U.S. diminished. The economic crisis of the late 1950s was only credited to sugar plantation and following unemployment. This over-dependence on single business, together with widespread corruption and nepotism by the Batista government also brought about increasing unemployment rates, particularly during non-growing seasons. The living standard in Cuba decreased dramatically because Cuban wages were unable to contend with high inflation levels during the 1950s. [20] History of revolutions in Egypt Making revolution is not something new for Egyptians because they have had three momentous revolutions in their history. One of them was he 1881 Urabi Revolution which dethroned a crooked and comprador monarchs. Another one was the Revolution of 1919, which almost overthrew British military hegemony, and the other one was 1952 revolution, which initiated the military despotism of Nasser, Sadat, and Mubarak for sixty years. Creating the second parliamentary regime on the African Continent, the first revolution turned out to be successful before foreign military intervention changed the form of government. After the defeat, the British formed a colonial rule in Egypt for more than seventy years. The second revolution was a persistent, widespread revolt controlled by a range of pro-democracy protestors from many different civil societies. Although violently suppressed, it did compel the British to make some concessions. The third revolution in Egypt is different from the first two becau se it was a revolution that went out of its way to restrict popular involvement. [21] Anyhow, in 1881 it finally ended the regime of the royal family and started a course of British removal from Egypt. Views on the Causes of the Egyptian Revolution What are the causes that gave rise to this important synergy and resistance? Three main reasons have emerged to explain this mystery: technology, Tunisia, and discomfort.[22] It is obvious that Tunisian unrest was a catalyst, motivating Egyptians to rush out into the streets. The Tunisian government was even more oppressive than the government of Egypt. So if the Tunisians were able to get rid of their ruthless dictator, why could the Egyptians not manage? Tunisian upheaval might have been the starting point, but there are many other important changes in Egypt’s political and social background that also give rise to an explanation for the revolution. Egyptians had increasingly resorted to protests and street politics to claim their demands and disrupt the position of their monarchs. Since 2004, Egypt had seen an increasing number of protests and rallies led by textile and health workers, judges, doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, transportation workers and even property tax collec tors. These workers wanted better salaries and working conditions, and relief from the harsh poverty that has distressed most of the people, whereas the rich became obviously richer and public organizations that in the past delivered service for poor Egyptians descended toward disrepair and jobs decreased as well.[23] People fell into a miserable situation where there were no hopes, nor dreams left for a better future for their children. There are many other assessments regarding the origins of the Egyptian 2011 Revolution. Political thinker and strategist Dr. Tarek Heggy, one of Egypt’s more famous authors on the subject of political reform in Egypt, states that the Egyptian people’s desire for democracy, the ruling system and legal elections were the main motives for the revolution. Another specialist Mohammed Fadel states that bribery and corruption in the government were the most important reasons behind the revolution.[24] Mona El-Ghobashy expresses in her article that the 2011 revolution occurred because there had been an unexpected change in the equal distribution of resources between ruled and rulers.[25] She also provides three reasons for the revolution: â€Å"technology, Tunisia and tribulations.†[26] Moreover, Ursula Lindsey has argued that social media, whereas it did not directly bring about the upheaval, shared a spectacular role in connecting the people who would join latter in the protests.[27] The Bank Information Center (BIC)[28] in 2007 reported that the World Bank had shown the following problems as among the most tenacious challenges that Egypt faced in fighting poverty and maintaining sustainable development: high unemployment, increasing poverty, social and economic inequality, high budget deficit, and net public debt. Every problem, whether it was corruption, the country’s foreign policy, economic conditions or social problems, played a role in motivating Egypt’ s people to revolt. The people, particularly young people, had important access to use of information and communication networks, such as mobile phone services, new social media and TV were important as events blossomed. While the government used the state information, disseminating systems to spread propaganda against the rebellions, the protesters dispersed their message by using means that was creative, disciplined, and revolutionizing. The victory of the revolution, at least for its main demand, resignation of Mubarak, was associated with defamation of state-controlled newscast, a blossoming of home-produced media of all kinds.[29] While social media did not create the Egyptian uprising, they played an immense role in getting together many of the young people who would ultimately join the demonstrations. We Are All Khalid Sa‘id was one of the Facebook groups that was created in 2010 to honor a young man beaten by police and died, having more than half-million members in the protests on January 25, 2011. These groups were instrumental in organizing the protests and a new expression has come into the Egyptian language. The internet-led generation that organized the initial protests is known as the Facebook Kids.[30] In general, street politics and in particular, the Arab street politics were more complicated. The Arab street is chiefly an appearance of public sentiment, but it has experienced important changes in its style and way of expression. Street politics is the contemporary theater of discontent people. It has played a great role in such massive political events as the French Revolution, anti-colonial fights, nineteenth-century industrial movements, the velvet revolutions in Eastern Europe, and various anti-war protests. For ordinary people, the street is the main site of politics, or and it is the chief place to spend time for those who do not generally have positions of power. It is at the same time social and cultural, continuous and present, a home of the strange and the familiar, the visible and the verbal, the street symbolizes a complex place where opinions and attitudes are formed, spread and voiced in a unique way.[31] Economic inequalities and poverty among different groups of society are important precursors for many revolutions. Welch and Taintor mention those concepts in addition to rapid economic worsening, poverty and inequalities between manufacturing and the distribution of that merchandise.[32] Cynthia McClintock argues that the inconsistency between global and domestic markets causes the latter to depend on the former concerning reliance on industrialized states for technology and money.[33] Schultz and Slater state that this dependence essentially triggers the separation of society and diminishing of rural population.[34] The chronic structural problems affecting the Arab world came to a head prior to 2011 through a combination of persistently high unemployment, especially among youth (and educated youth at that), rampant corruption, internal regional and social inequalities, and a further deterioration of economic conditions because of the global 2008 financial crisis and food price increases. Even the initial event in Tunisia that exploded into the Arab Spring upheaval was related to economics. The Tunisian street seller,  Mohamed Bouazizi, burnt himself because of his conditions of poverty. [1] Ted Robert Gurr, Why men rebel, Princeton, N.J.: Published for the Center of International Studies, Princeton University [by] Princeton University Press, 1970, 11. [2] Ibid., 58. [3] Ibid., 210. [4] Jeff Goodwin, No Other Way Out: States and Revolutionary Movements, 1945-1991 (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 9. [5] Jack A. Goldstone, Toward a Fourth Generation of Revolutionary Theory, Annual Review of Political Science 4, no. 1 (06, 2001), 142. [6] Theda Skocpol, States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 4. [7] Theda Skocpol, France, Russia, China: A Structural Analysis of Social Revolutions, Comparative Studies in Society and History 18, no. 2 (Apr., 1976), 177. [8] Charles Tilly, Does Modernization Breed Revolution? Comparative Politics 5, no. 3, Special Issue on Revolution and Social Change (Apr., 1973), 425-447. [9] James DeFronzo, Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 2007), 12. [10] James DeFronzo, Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements, 13-14. [11] Jack A. Goldstone, Understanding the Revolutions of 2011: Weakness and Resilience in Middle Eastern Autocracies, Foreign Affairs 90, no. 3 (May/Jun 2011, 2011), 8-16. [12] Samuel P. Huntington, Political order in changing societies, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968 41. [13] Samuel P. Huntington, Political order in changing societies, 59. [14] Ibid., 69-70. [15] Theda Skocpol, States and Social Revolutions, 3. [16] Thomas H. Greene, Comparative Revolutionary Movements (New Jersey: Prentice Hall Publishing, 1990), 19. [17] Greene, Comparative Revolutionary Movements, 96. [18] Ibid., 97. [19] Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, the Handbook of Economic Sociology, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), 73. [20] Brian H. Pollitt, Sugar, Dependency, and the Cuban Revolution (Glasgow, Scotland: University of Glasgow, 1985), 196-197. [21] Jeannie Lynn Sowers and Christopher J. Toensing, The Journey to Tahrir: Revolution, Protest, and Social Change in Egypt (London; New York: Verso, 2012), 48. [22] Ibid., 21. [23] â€Å"The Architects of the Egyptian Revolution,†The Nation, Saba Mahmood February 14, 2011 [24] Mohamed Fadel, Public Corruption and the Egyptian Revolution of January 25: Can Emerging International Anti-Corruption Norms Assist Egypt Recover Misappropriated Public Funds? Harvard International Law journal, volume 52, April 2011, 293. [25] El-Ghobashy Mona, The Journey to Tahrir, The praxis of the Egyptian revolution, 22 edited by Jeannie Sowers and ChrisToensing, 22. [26] El-Ghobashy Mona, The Journey to Tahrir, 21. [27]El-Ghobashy Mona, The Journey to Tahrir, 54. [28] Bank Information Center (BIC).,accessed on (October 19, 2013). [29] Jeannie Lynn Sowers, Christopher J. Toensing, The Journey to Tahrir, 53. [30] El-Ghobashy Mona, The Journey to Tahrir, 54. [31]Jeannie Lynn Sowers, Christopher J. Toensing, The Journey to Tahrir, 75. [32] Claude E. Welch and Mavis B. Taintor, Revolution and Political Change, (California: Wadsworth Publishing, 1972), 149. [33] Cynthia McClintock, Revolutionary Movements in Latin America: El Salvador’s FMLN and Peru’s Shining Path, (Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1998). [34] Schultz and Slater, â€Å"Revolution and Political Change in the Third World,†34.
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